Nicko's brief Diary on DoD.


I died at Paschendale
Sep 30, 2002
The land of many crows...
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24/05/2003 Nicko's back in the diary zone

Diary from the plane - Time : 1:15pm.
And from the hotel in Gijon - Time : 7:00pm

Well, well, well,
Here we are flying over the wonderful countryside of Northern Spain.
As you will have seen from yesterday’s diary I didn’t get past the first line.
That was because as soon as I had started to write it I had the call to leave for the first gig.
Man what a night!!!

Firstly though I have to step back a few months, well more than a few actually, to be exact, November 2002, last year.

We all got together in a small studio cloistered in a small part of North London.
There we got to grips with the writing of our new opus and most splendid piece of Maiden history to date.
I might add that the finished product IS without a doubt, our best yet.
We kicked off and worked from mid November up until the end of the second week of December when we all had a break to go back to our families and get ready for that most joyous occasion, CHRISTmas and New Year.
After a most splendid break at home we once again gathered in London but this time at Sarm West studios in the heart of Notting Hill Gate.
The studio room that we were using is a very famous room. The likes of the late Mr Hendrix and Bob Marley had made records there amongst such others as Led Zeppelin and whole host of others. I was overwhelmed with the history of the place. It loved my drum kit. The sound of the room is amazing.
Anyway we got the drum sound up and running and in hardly any time at all we had a couple of the new tracks laid down. It was really a great time making this album. The vibe was terrific and we all enjoyed the whole time we were together. We completed the back tracks by mid February and I headed back to Florida to spend time with the family. My son Justin had got the golf bug and so we were playing two or three times a week, HEAVEN on earth.
After a couple of months it was time to head back over the pond and return to SUNNY Blighty to do pictures and a little promo for the album and upcoming tour. We used a location out in Luton for the smudges and we used Mr Simon [blind as a post] Fowler to do the necessary lens duties. We had a great day with him.
The following day we were in London doing yet more Smudges for press and some other shots for the album. A great, yet gruelling, couple of days I’ve yet to see the smudges but am told there’re all out of focus and that we will have to do them all again. No I’m only kidding. According to Rod and Harry, they all look fantastic, especially the ones of the drummer. Tee Hee.

Well that will do for the swift little expletive of what the last six months have been like, so on to the TOUR.
The_Prisoner said:
I might add that the finished product IS without a doubt, our best yet.

Blitzkrieg said:
Well if it is better than BNW, which I am pretty sure everyone is anticipating it to be, it will be among my favs. :)

I sort of agree, although the more rambling repetitive numbers on that album seem to be the ones the band favour over tracks like OOTSP (best song on the album, but the track they seem to be almost embarassed about). So I'm worried that this will be a ramble fest. I'll be VERY happy if I'm wrong though. :)
Goreripper said:
Indeed. I think this will be Maiden's best album since "Brave New World".

Im with GoreRipper best since... BTW I found that piss funny in that other thread where you like said it 3 times and no one got it...

GoreRipper rocks.
Soul of a new Machine said:
remember how much metallica were bragging about st-anger being the very best, fastest, most br00tal and only tr00 metal album ever made :rolleyes:
Maiden says that every time they release something, even when it's shit.
I think we'd all be a little worried if they were saying 'It's not really our best work..'.
I don't get excited about new albums because the band build them up, I get excited when I hear other peoples reactions, and hear what people think the new material will sound like. From what I gather, DOD will sound like a cross between BNW and SIT. SIT is one of my fav Maiden albums, and I really like BNW, so I am excited about the new album.

Dreamy, I agree about OOTSP being one of the best on BNW and better than the repetative stuff, but from what we have heard the new material is pretty experimental and has some good rockers, so it should be interesting. As I said, a mix of BNW and SIT only sounds like a good thing to me. :rock:
Yeah, Maiden do (as do alot of bands) say this album is our best yet. I personally don't think they'll ever top their material 82-88. Every band has a 'golden era' where everything was close to perfect and Maiden are past that. However BNW was a solid album, If DoD is better than BNW I'll be happy as Larry.

As Sydo said, you'd be concerned if they came out and weren't really chuffed with it. As a budding guitarist/songwriter myself, whenever you create something new, at the time you love it but it's hard to be objective about your own work. If you were in a band that released records, usually your fan base will always compare it to your earlier work, as opposed to taking it for what it is, so I guess bands like Maiden have a tough time trying to please their fans.

Anyways, I'm sure it will be good. After hearing Wildest Dreams (from the Rockaplast gig in Germany) mp3 this morning it sounds promising!

dreamwatch - I like OOTSP too, but why would you say the band almost seem embarrassed about it?