When I have pre-marital sex with my fiance, it goes against my beliefs and is therefore a sin. But if I don't have sex, my sperm firm will get backed up and will eventually explode, which will cause great pain. So by having pre-marital sex, I am, in essence, dodging pain and "saving" the lives of my future children. So the quagmire is, do I not have pre-marital sex because it goes against my religion? And instead masturbate furiously, which is also a sin because it is lustful? Or do I go ahead and give the fiance the ol' hosedown, release the pressure on my balls and my ball-sac, while at the same time allowing myself and my fiance to one day have children, and also not have to masturbate, and possibly get blue balls?
Since it is man's natural instinct to do what he must to survive, I think I must continue to bang the fiance very hard, very often so as to release the pressure on the nuts. After all, God is forgiving and understand's my situation. That, and sex feels real good.
pffft....Nietzsche was a fag.