Nightingale CD order screwup


Apr 5, 2003
So I ordered two Nightingale CDs from Century-Media a couple days ago.. I ordered Invisible and Alive Again... what I received from CM was Invisible, and The Closing Chronicles.....

I actually made $1 profit because TCC costs $12 and Alive Again, which I was charged for, only cost $11... woohoo, but I really would have rather had Alive Again instead. Sure I like some of the older stuff, way low vocal ranges and odd production, but Alive Again is like.... hello.... nice. I'll have to wait half a year or even until next year just to make a new order and get the CD. Whenever I buy CDs its like once a year and $350 so yeah, not something I do too often. :)

So it's cool I saved a buck but then again, we both got screwed, because I didn't get what I wanted and they lost $1... lol.
Oh btw this is off-topic yet still pretty good news, I also ordered Dan Swanö's Moontower so now I can say I got the CD, and for only $12 instead of paying the butt-raping charge of $18 or so from amazon... Woot.
I recently got Moontower from for only $10, shipping included (to Mexico). They still have it for sale, as well as EOS Crimson and Crimson II, for the same price, so get them if you haven't already. And also got Nightingale - Invisible and EOS - Crimson II (digipak) for $28.50 (shipping included) from
I'll have to try The End... If it's really just 7$ and free shipping, that is quite a deal! It's too late for Christmas shipping though so I probably won't do it any time soon. :(