Nightingale/Unicorn Tabs and My Fawkin Unicorn CD's


New Metal Member
Jun 9, 2003
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Hej All!

I'm sure this has first question has been addressed elsewhere on this forum, but I'm too damn lazy to scan through all the past posts to find it...

Does anyone know where there are posted and/or have in their possesion Nightingale and Unicorn tabs? Any album would be fine, but Alive Again and Emotional Wasteland(the albums) are my first choice... TIA for help you can give...

Now, on a side and personal note, I wish to hail Dan! Your brilliance shines through on Alive Again even more than before... keep em coming please... I haven't been this excited about a type of music/band since I first got into metal all those years ago.... however, I sent you $20 in the mail two and a half years ago after contacting you by e-mail about Unicorn CD's(still not widely available at that time), and I never got anything back!!! Have no fear, I finally received burned copies from my friend recently, so I at least hope you got the money, cause I got my cd's :grin: Much respect and love still... can't wait for Crimson II!!!

Peace, Love, and Loud Guitars,
Andrew the Death Hippy
I figured at least SOMEONE would know where to find some tabs... maybe I'm just supposed to sit here with my guitar and the albums and figure it out :ill:

And no comment from Dan about my cd's... I'm wondering if my posts are invisible, or just ignorable... oh well :erk:

np: Passenger-In Reverse(big ups to Anders, one of the newest members of the Dreadlocked Metal Legion!! :p ).3

As always,

Peace, Love, and Loud Guitars,
Andrew the Death Hippy
"Peace, Love, and Loud Guitars" would be a really novel and mindcatching name for a synth band. Call your first EP, "Andrew the Death Hippy"... and you're made. Offer expires while you wait.
:Smokin: I'm on that synth band idea.... now I just need to learn to play synth, and... oh yeah, buy a synth...

Steve DiGiorgio is a great, great bass player... is he of the hippy ilk? I've not read to many interviews w/ him so I don't know... I was shocked when I found out(a few years ago) that Chris Barnes is a dreadlocked, VW driving, "let's just all get along", pothead... of course, I don't think that the excessive amounts of grass he smokes has helped SFU(horrible, horrible band).

Cliff Burton is still the ultimate metal hippy in my book... dig those bellbottoms baby!! :rock: I dunno, I just got to a point in my metal living where I was tired of sporting the "uniform" all the time(black jeans, band shirt, leather jacket, bullets, etc.)... baggy/bell-bottomed jeans are comfy, and dreads require almost no maintenance(and the chicks dig em lol) :Smug: