Nightmare Records.....Thanks....


The Nightmare Has Begun..
Well it was a fast and wonderful weekend, and there are many to thank for our part. Please forgive me if I forget someone, it was a busy week and things went by in a blur....

On with the kudo's
John Cheek (helping at the tables and allowing me to see Pagans Mind) Hoyt Parris for getting the stuff to the tables and back to Nightmare again, Kate French and Corbin King (VAINGLORY) for stopping by signing and helping at the tables, DUSTIN and company (KATAGORY V) for the same, Johnny "Mac" Macaluso, Others that helped from the sidelines, The Bartenders in the Merch area for good food and drink and helping to load me out at the end of the night (after the final song of the Jam-That was going beyond the call of duty and truly appreciated) Patrick Hoyt, my good friend Warren at ADS for getting me out the New NIGHTMARE SAMPLERS overnighted so we could make the grab bags this year.
Bobby from Outworld, Bill and company from Cellador, the Wisdom Stone guys...

would like to send a VERY SPECIAL thank you out to April and Greg for picking me up a Birthday Cake for Tomy's 12th Birthday and organizing it so that we could make it special for Tomy on Stage, I think he'll remember that for the rest of his life ; )

Like to thank Ernst the best sound engineer in Germany for a fantastic Job!
And of course Glenn and Shane and the entire Stage crew for putting on another great show.
Like to thank all of you folks I've met in the past, friends and street teamers that stopped by the Nightmare tables and either spoke with me or purchased some music or T-shirts, I hope you enjoy your new tunes, Please let the masses know which are you new favorites.

Rage on Prog-Power fan attics!! :rock:

Lance you rule! Thanks for the street team package, I'm making my way through it! Wish I could have helped out more, please put me to work next year. Kudos for all that you do! :rock:
I definitely left the Nightmare Records table with my wallet a little lighter. :lol:

Thanks for taking the time to provide some CD recs to tide me over until the new KRUCIBLE is out! I haven’t had time to listen to the whole stash yet, but I’m *loving* Avian and King’s Machine. :rock:

See you next year!
I also want to say thanks man! I really enjoyed chatting with you, especially that time while I was waiting for my food to come out on Saturday Evening (after the Threshold set and before the Primal Fear set). As I mentioned to you, my older brother lives in Minneapolis, so hopefully, if I can get out that way to visit, I'd certainly would have to look you up! BTW, I was listening to that Darkwater album I got off of you yesterday on the way and back from work. Man, does that thing kick ass! So does the Division by Zero album that I also got off of you that I was listening to yesterday evening at home. And like I told you, that new Suspyre album really turned some heads at an audiophile meeting I was at in Indianapolis this past June (hosted by Klipsch itself, no less!). I would not be surprised if you got a couple of additional sales as a result of that!

Again, thanks for being an awesome friend, musician, and record producer that actually cares about the bands as well as the fans! I'll need to go listen to that sampler CD you included in the goody-bag. I've ended up with something like 5 albums that I got off of you as a result of some of the kick-ass stuff I heard on last year's sampler (not to mention, the sampler CD itself actually made for a good album in it's own right!).
I also want to say thanks man! I really enjoyed chatting with you, especially that time while I was waiting for my food to come out on Saturday Evening (after the Threshold set and before the Primal Fear set). As I mentioned to you, my older brother lives in Minneapolis, so hopefully, if I can get out that way to visit, I'd certainly would have to look you up! BTW, I was listening to that Darkwater album I got off of you yesterday on the way and back from work. Man, does that thing kick ass! So does the Division by Zero album that I also got off of you that I was listening to yesterday evening at home. And like I told you, that new Suspyre album really turned some heads at an audiophile meeting I was at in Indianapolis this past June (hosted by Klipsch itself, no less!). I would not be surprised if you got a couple of additional sales as a result of that!

Again, thanks for being an awesome friend, musician, and record producer that actually cares about the bands as well as the fans! I'll need to go listen to that sampler CD you included in the goody-bag. I've ended up with something like 5 albums that I got off of you as a result of some of the kick-ass stuff I heard on last year's sampler (not to mention, the sampler CD itself actually made for a good album in it's own right!).

Great to hear you liked those two new ones, I have to say, those and the new HEART OF SUN are my fav's, I'm digging the new KATAGORY V, DIMENSION and ETERNAL FLIGHT as well. You better check out that sampler, dude, this one is even better than the last one!!!! :rock: