Nightmare - The Dominion Gate

The Metal Chick

In the Dragon's Den
Mar 31, 2003
Chicago, IL
Nightmare - The Dominion Gate
Candlelight Records - CDL290 - Feb. 21, 2006
by Amanda J. Carlson

Here’s another band that’s been around for two decades and still keeps rockin’. It has taken France’s Nightmare that long to have an official release in the US, and they do so with a mighty collection of tunes that make up their seventh album. Every song is high-powered and dark with husky vocals and fantastical themes. There’s more emphasis on the dark heaviness than anything, taking a more Iced Earth of Kamelot type path instead of that of bands with lyrical topics similar to their own. Vocally, the throaty high range reminds me greatly of Nils Patrick Johansson of Astral Doors, only a little harsher.

There are some choir effects in a few songs like "Temple of Tears" and "Paranormal Magnitude" that adds a bit more eeriness to the overall mood. "The Dressmaker" slows down in speed but not heaviness, dragging along at a slightly unpleasant pace. It’s the only song I don’t care for. There isn’t much lead guitar work here, but when they do solo, it’s skillful and impressive. My favorite song of the bunch is "Secret Rules," with its evil and catchy chorus and Middle Eastern influenced guitar solo. I must also mention the title track, which features a stellar guest performance by After Forever’s Floor Jansen.

There really are not many negative aspects of The Dominion Gate. It did take me a few listens to get into it, but it really doesn’t take long to appreciate the consistent high-grade metal they create. I wish they had come across the pond long ago, and I hope they don’t decide to end their already lengthy career before coming out with some more great albums for the fans they are sure to gain.


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Nightmare Official Website
Candlelight Records Official Website