NIGHTWISH beer now available in Germany (mods please delete previous)


Aug 27, 2004
"The official NIGHTWISH "beer," which was sold last year at Kitee's (NIGHTWISH's hometown in Eastern Finland) K-Market Kupiainen shop and from Kitee's Kievari restaurant, has now been made available in Germany, according to a posting on the group's web site. The lager-type beer, which is brewed by Pirkanmaan Uusi Panimo (PUP), features a label that says "A Megabueno Cerveza" and includes a NIGHTWISH photo. You can now purchase the beer from the following "cult" store in St. Pauli, Hamburg:

Davidstrasse 5
20359 Hamburg
Tel. #: +49-40-380 196 96"

originally said by a blabbermouth poster
haha, nightwish beer. if it's as "powerful" as the will probably as strong as root beer.

Fenrir13 said:
It actually doesn't taste that bad. I've had it here before. 4.6% or so I think.

fuck that...steel reserve is still much cheaper....and not contributing to a bands massive ego

8% alc. by vol.

but it does taste like rat piss
DoodgeGant said:
I've seen more stupid merchandise *cough cob trainers, Iron Maiden video game*

i dont know about the video game though....that came with an album and seemed to me just like an extra bonus....and i dont quite know what you mean by trainers...are you refering to education videos? if so...thats not stupid at all actually. now on the other hand....metallica baby clothes is fucking absurd