Nightwish - Showtime, Storytime - WOW

Well, guess what Santa brought me (amongst many other things, including the new Though Chamber album)! When I get back home, I will definitely have to sit down and watch this.
What blows me away about the Nightwish stuff that I've heard so far is how Floor, despite replacing TWO former singers with vastly different styles, beats both of them hands down, and in a live setting. Most singers don't even pull off their OWN stuff live as well as in the studio on these live DVDs, and those songs were written for them. Floor just comes in and sings like she should have been there from Angels Fall First.
A good friend of mine for MANY years (even longer than Steve) wanted something with female fronted symphonic power metal for a Christmas present. I told him about the new Nightwish DVD. He said he actually saw it in the indie record store where he lives. He bought it! :)
I was lucky enough to catch Nightwish live with Floor, and was blown away then. She is an amazing singer and a great fit with Nightwish to say the least. She has breathed new life into the band. The quality of this release is good, but the show itself is killer!
If I remember it correctly, they gave her a letter after the filming of End of an Era, which one of the two camps took public. Frankly, I thought she handled it pretty well and the NW camp blundered it. But after a week or so, it went away and she went on to do her solo thing and have a pretty great career.

Annette is milking it in a pretty annoying fashion months after it happened and the NW camp is moving on in a decision that should have been made from the start.
Annette does have her new solo album coming out, and I guess she feels that now since she is no longer a part of Nightwish people have forgotten who she is, so she had to do this to get her name back in the news. I mean after Floor joined Nightwish in Seattle on Oct 1st it was "Annette who" there was no mention anywhere of Annette, no protest outside venues no interviews no nothing about her.. So that is what I see this as, nothing but a publicity stunt by her and her management to get her name back in the spotlight.
Am I the only one that is surprised that they gave Annette 1/5 of everything she was involved in the first place? I'm a little surprised that the pie was cut evenly. Heck, Bill Ward couldn't even get a fair share of the Black Sabbath share in a band where he was an original member.
If I remember it correctly, they gave her a letter after the filming of End of an Era, which one of the two camps took public. Frankly, I thought she handled it pretty well and the NW camp blundered it. But after a week or so, it went away and she went on to do her solo thing and have a pretty great career.
Marcelo did more talking than Tarja, which was smart from their perspective - it allowed Tarja's side to get into the press without Tarja having to do the dirty work herself.

SF Metal Man said:
Am I the only one that is surprised that they gave Annette 1/5 of everything she was involved in the first place? I'm a little surprised that the pie was cut evenly. Heck, Bill Ward couldn't even get a fair share of the Black Sabbath share in a band where he was an original member.
That part is kinda hard to pin down since it was almost certainly 20% of profit rather than 20% of gross revenue. The other members could end up with bigger cuts via other roles, for example:

On Imaginaerum, Tuomas is listed as a producer, Marco as an engineer for bass, and Emppu as an engineer for guitars (I'm going by Metal Archives on these, so if this isn't 100% correct, let it serve as an example). Nightwish could pay each of them out for those services BEFORE calculating each member's 20% profit, thereby reducing Anette's cut of the whole pie. Considering how hands-on Tuomas is, it's safe to say that he's involved in many facets of the band, and could be getting paid for several roles - producer, consultant, writer, etc. - before he ever sees his cut as a performer.

That's all theoretical since I haven't the slightest idea how Nightwish's corporation is set up and who gets a cut from what part of the process, but with a band of that size, it's safe to say that "20% of everything she was involved in" really isn't 20% of the whole pie. And that's not something that Nightwish was doing to screw Anette, it's just how it works when a band reaches that size.