Nightwish "The Siren" Video


Jun 24, 2002
Marietta, GA

Personally, I think that has to be in the running for the lamest metal video of the year award. I thought it was stupid when they announced that they were releasing a third single for Once, especially for the song Siren when that's not that strong of a song to begin with.

Then the video just doesn't fit Nightwish at all. Looks like a video game for half of it, and then hand drawings.

Yeah, that was pretty much the crappiest thing I've seen in a long time...maybe only second to "The Beast Within" from the Aina project.

The only good computer-animated video I've seen (that I can remember anyway) is "Anubis" from Tad Morose.

According to the Nightwish web site there is no Video for the single "The Siren". So i wonder where the video came from? But anyway i love the song, but the video with it at the above link is not to hot, but this will not stop me from liking MARCO, JUKKA,TARJA, TUOMAS, and of course EMPPU, they are and will always be my favorites.
Well, the 3rd released worldwide - Nemo, WIHAA, and now Siren.

Kuolema Tekee Taiteilijan was only released in Finland - since Death of an Artist was never released - so most don't really consider it a true 3rd single.

That's why the NB version of The Siren includes the Symphony of Destruction cover.

Yet what about the Creek Blood Mary instrumental...=(
One of the mods on the NW forum got this statement from someone at Nuke Blast.
We aren´t happy with the clip either and the band and their management say that it´s awful. The band wanted an animated clip and it shouldn´t be too expensive. We´ve relied on a company that produces computer games. And the result is known by now. We´re the "lost".

The clip is now done and we didn´t wanted to keep it for ourselves. Everyone can now decide wether to like it or not. There are even some people who like it

So the band had nothing to do with it. Anyway, it's now been removed.
It looks like some guy(or gal) was playing around with a game engine and came up with that, as a video it sucks but as a game it looks pretty cool, at least the CG stuff.
TBJ said:
It looks like some guy(or gal) was playing around with a game engine and came up with that, as a video it sucks but as a game it looks pretty cool, at least the CG stuff.

BAH! I've played way better games. It should die a natural, quiet death....never to resurface.:yuk: