Nightwish Vocalist Leaves Stage In Tears


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Nightwish vocalist Anette Olzon left the stage crying last night (Monday, November 10) while preforming "The Poet and the Pendulum" in Belo Horizone, Brazil. This happened about 6 songs into the set and cut short the bands performance.

Videos showing what happened are already posted to Youtube at the below 2 links.

(Click here to open link)

(Click here to open link)

Marko handled the rest of the song and made a short speech saying something like "Anette is going through a hard time in life right now".

No further details are yet available.

Well at least nobody was throwing tomatoes... If she's really passing thru some shit my condolences :(, if not I hope this is not another Stratovarius soap opera: the sequel :heh:
Typically I'd be taking Muzmaze's perspective, but in this case, who knows? Touring is a hard thing to do and because of the nature of it and all of the obligations, often times you're forced to play even when you don't want to.

That said however, I do take to Henry Rollins' approach with regards to gigs: "There's no way I was going to spend thousands of dollars and many hours of my day to fly to Brazil only to let something like a gushing headwound ruin my gig! Because on stage, nothing can go wrong."
Typically I'd be taking Muzmaze's perspective, but in this case, who knows?

I seriously hope everything is o.k. with her, I wasn't being totally cruel.:)
If its a vocal problem with singers...I can obviously understand and accept it. I have a hard time accepting anything else.
Don't know the band that well but it sounds like the bassist has a good voice on his own ... maybe they should use the chick as a backup singer.

A few notes. The whole charm of Nightwish was Tarja's operatic vocals in the early albums, once that was gone the band wasn't worth a dime IMO. As for Marco's vocals are really good in his own band Tarot but in Nightwish they sound awful (like in 'Wish I Had An Angel').
In anycase I'm not interested in Nightwish since "Century Child", so I basically put the initial post as infiormation.
True professionals don't walk out in the middle of a concert for anything other than serious injuries (like ankle snapping, burned by flashpots, feinting, etc). I don't blame Anette as much as I do Nightwish themselves. In replacing Tarja, they went with a talent that had very little professional singing experience. Nightwish is a hugely popular band that tends to tour for long stretches of time. In my opinion they should have went with someone that had proven longevity and experience in extensive touring. Someone they could trust not to crack under the pressure.
Again I don't want to sound harsh, but after reading the post here I must sum my voice to the professional side of the business. If you as any other human being have troubles of some sort that precludes you to do your job (and being a musician on stage is a job like any other), then you should ask for a leave of absence, I know cancel a gig is a drag for both the band and the fans, but leaving in middle of the show is like Brandon pointed unprofessional.

Now taking some of Ryan's thoughts I believe Tumas has taken Nightwish in a dictatorial wrong direction since the end of "Century Child" and thus problems of this sort may be expected in the band now and in the future. I recall an interview in which Tuomas said that the day Tarja leave the band they quit, so much for an oath. :rolleyes:
"Speaking to O Povo Online about the incident, Tuomas said, "[Anette] freaked out because she couldn't handle the different mannerisms of the fans here. There were a lot of people screaming the former vocalist's name, making obscene gestures (with the middle finger). Normally she can shake that stuff off, she has good self-esteem, but it's been hard to deal with the fans and the critics. I guess it was a sudden breakdown; she just... lost her mind for a second. It's kind of scary, and we all feel for her and understand what she is going through. We hope she can put her mind at ease and make the rest of the shows. So far it's been fine; she's feeling much better."

i could go on a rant, but i think id be preaching to the choir. this is lame
The bottom line: You've gotta have thick skin when trying to replace such an important personality in a band like that. She knew was she was getting into.

Seems quite funny to me though that fans would deliberately show up to boo. If the band has angered you that much, why give them money and waste your time at their show?
Tarja being fired wasn't popular with any long-time Nightwish fans. The obvious stated, anyone applying for the replacement position has to know they will have to face some resistance (some of it quite rude). Even chicks gotta have balls of stone in that situation.

I feel for Anette, I really do. But if she can't handle the pressure, it's time for her to step back to a lower tier band that doesn't tour so much and the crowd isn't telling you you're #1 when they hold up the middle finger.
The bottom line: You've gotta have thick skin when trying to replace such an important personality in a band like that. She knew was she was getting into.

Seems quite funny to me though that fans would deliberately show up to boo. If the band has angered you that much, why give them money and waste your time at their show?

Either way, there are jackasses at every show, either drunk, ignorant or they just like the old have to deal with that. You can't let a handful of fans ruin it for the majority of the crowd that likes the band, came to see and support you.

I don't really follow this band but I am aware of the singer change. Unless someone can tell me that most fans at the shows are calling for her head...this, only with a vocal problem is unerstandable for her bailing. Otherwise its unacceptable.
im waiting for someone to say she lost her voice.

from what ive heard, being a follower of the band despite my distaste for the vocal change, the smoke was a rumor mustered up during speculation to explain what happened. ya never know, but id think the tuomas wouldve added that when giving the details if it were true.
I heard several different stories from the band about this. Of course, it is expected from Nightwish. So I do not know what to believe. It is a wonder why Tarja was going to leave the band. *Eye Roll.*
The bottom line: You've gotta have thick skin when trying to replace such an important personality in a band like that. She knew was she was getting into.

I guess Brandon has summarized it to the concise point. This is a tough business (many of you in bands know it in the flesh) and you have to develop a thick shell in this type of situations. I recall Vai telling the same stories when he replaced Malmsteen in Alcatrazz, and Steve never left the place crying, nor I bet Dio in Sabbath or Coverdale in Purple, or even Owens in Judas Priest or Blaze in Maiden.

Seems quite funny to me though that fans would deliberately show up to boo. If the band has angered you that much, why give them money and waste your time at their show?

Another great point, YOU KNOW what you're getting into before buying the ticket. So going with the solo purpose of being cruel, idiotic, bully and squared minded ruins everybody's show, both the band and the rest of the fans who didn't care and/or support Annette over Tarja. This class of fans are the reason bands are reluctant to interact with the people after a show, they are the cause of fights and disturbs in the concerts, they are truly the black sheep of the family. :bah: