Nightwish Wine


Dec 3, 2007

There are a multitude of ways a band can die, but the most reliable one is if they start selling their own wine. So long Nightwish. It was fun while it lasted. Tell Geoff Tate "hey" when you see him. Hope your wine is better.

I ever see Theocracy selling "Last Supper Wine" I'm going to die a little inside.
There are a multitude of ways a band can die, but the most reliable one is if they start selling their own wine. So long Nightwish.

Very funny idea.

Yeah, a "Merlot of Souls" would be cool^^
Well Ted Kirkpatrick of Tourniquet has been brewing and selling coffee and mugs for years now, but that's because he's an avid fan of coffee. It's really silly but why not Nightwish Wine
I thought that it was dumb that it was imaginaerum wine... wouldnt it be more of a duh move to make imaginae-RUM rum?

I was going to say Twist of Grape, but Merlot of Souls is way better.

Tuomas Holopainen said:
“What you see here is a bottle of the most imaginative wine on the planet. Imaginaerum is inspired by otherworldly splendours, moments of wonderment and the joyous sound of laughter with a hint of campfire poetry, music of the spheres, and the long, smooth, star-filled finish of Lucid Dreams. This is a wine best enjoyed with the ones you hold dear.”

Tuomas Holopainen said:
Imaginaerum is the stuff of dreams and carefully chosen ingredients, as is a fine red wine. It is my personal passion for wine and this perfect marriage of music and a lovely earthly delight that made us want to come up with a wine of our own. Whether it`s a romantic moment by a campfire, an occasion to celebrate Life itself, or some serious Byronesque drinking, The Imaginaerum Wine is what you need!

I have to admit I am kind of curious. For all I know, the stuff is rotgut, but I'd be willing to give it a try. Sadly, it doesn't seem to be available in the U.S. and I'm too cheap to import a bottle. :D
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Liquor reference! You're talking about liquor! I can't compute that, IT'S LIQUOR! MALFUNCTION!

Hopefully someone gets the reference....