Nine Inch Nails = metal??

Under The Oak

Ens Causa Sui
Jul 9, 2003
Austin, TX
I just saw a copy of Metal Edge magazine recently with NINE INCH NAILS on the cover. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they some weird kind of techno/ambient/goth shit? Even more disturbing, I found a song of their's that Behemoth covered. Behemoth's version kicks ass, but is the original any good? Furthermore, is Nine Inch Nails classifiable as metal?
This discussion's been done to death.

Pop/industrial/alternative hybrid band with occasional metal moments.
anonymousnick2001 said:
This discussion's been done to death.

Pop/industrial/alternative hybrid band with occasional metal moments.
Hmm, what songs in particular are metalish? I've heard TDS, The Fragile and With Teeth, it's all fairly slow, boring pop/industrial alternative.
NIN aren't metal at all, from what I've heard. They also suck, in my opinion.
I've heard their new CD and I wouldn't call any of it metal. I more or less agree with TaylorC's description of it as "techno/ambient/goth."

"Shit" is the only adjective I take exception to, because I actually liked With Teeth. The first time I heard it, I kept thinking "what the fuck is this?" because it wasn't what I'd expected NIN to sound like, but it really grew on me. Strange.
They do have some metal moments. Listen to their "Broken" release. Pretty much the only listenable thing from them. However, generally they are not considered metal.

And Behemoth sucks so who cares.......
I dont know what to call it (its industrial if anything) but it is good if you ask me but trying to clasify NIN is like trying to clasify tool theyre just to far out there to be named anything
TaylorC said:
I just saw a copy of Metal Edge magazine recently with NINE INCH NAILS on the cover. Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't they some weird kind of techno/ambient/goth shit? Even more disturbing, I found a song of their's that Behemoth covered. Behemoth's version kicks ass, but is the original any good? Furthermore, is Nine Inch Nails classifiable as metal?

Industrial.. enough said... if you want to give them a shot listen to their Broken and Pretty Hate Machine albums... the original version of Wish is good.. i never heard the Behemoth version...
"Wish" is my favorite NiN song. I also like "March of the Pigs," another possible metal moment. The Broken EP's the best thing they have, although I like quite a few of their hits off PHM and TDS.
Further Down the Spiral is the best thing NIN has done, in my opinion. Funny enough, the best song on that album is from Aphex Twin.
anonymousnick2001 said:
"Wish" is my favorite NiN song. I also like "March of the Pigs," another possible metal moment. The Broken EP's the best thing they have, although I like quite a few of their hits off PHM and TDS.

I always crank up "Closer" whenever I hear it.