Nine Inch Nails

The Broken EP and downward spiral are his best work IMO. PHM is overrated and I haven't liked anything after The Downward Spiral.
some of NIN's best work is in the side albums with remixes of their songs like the halo's/albums of Broken and Fixed, To be a NIN fan you pretty much have to get it from Halo 1 and up.. Starfucker's was the lastest I really listened to NIN, other than the fragile, after chat was out, and scarabin and the crew I believe it was called Lesscarabin or was not functioning propertly, I pretty much got out of this, But NIN and Trent well, Trent will always be a very great Artist. I was going to be a moderator for their site, the chat site, then I pulled a disappearing act, and lost all of those people and they got rid of our chat site, it was very wicked.. I miss it very much.
I basically enjoy the first 3 NIN releases (Pretty Hate Machine, Broken, and The Downward Spiral). The Fragile was o-k and the last decent album. With Teeth was horrible and easily Reznor's worst. Year Zero and The Slip I think are better than With Teeth but are still mediocre.
Huge NIN fan, here. Also an active member of the forums. "Wish" and "The Great Destroyer" are my favorite tracks at the moment. Can't wait to hear the new album, whenever it comes out, though The Downward Spiral will always be the best (IMO).
I like everything up to Downward Spiral... my fave lyrics? probably Hurt... love the video also .. :kickass: The Perfect Drug is another killer song and video...
Casual semi-fan. I saw them live but I only went because Bauhaus were opening. Favorite songs are "Starfuckers Inc" and "Perfect Drug," "Head Like A Hole" is cool too.

I can't fucking stand "Closer"
I love NIN,mainly because of my dad's involvement in the scene. My favorite album is deffinately The Fragile. Favorite songs are " were in this together now" "Even Deeper" and "COmplication"
Thank you for this thread. :kickass:

Nine Inch Nails is most definately in my top 5 favorite groups. I love every album Nine Inch Nails produced. :notworthy

Trent's vision for Nine Inch Nails which is expressed through his music, lyrics, and shows is absolutely mindblowing. A perfect example is his tour a few years ago, "Lights in the sky". It was easily one of the best shows Ive been to and they will be releasing a DVD of that tour, which was filmed and edited by the fans, for the fans.

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I borrowed The Fragile from a coworker and I am digging it so far.

Here's how I would rate everything else I've heard from the band:

Pretty Hate Machine
With Teeth
The Downward Spiral
gee I dont know I just listened to all three of those songs wondering when the music was going to start. When it finally did... I guess... it was some "riff" I played for a minute when I was 13 and never returned to again... but goo dang if they didnt really make a 5+ minute song out of it... so theres 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back.
I borrowed The Fragile from a coworker and I am digging it so far.

Here's how I would rate everything else I've heard from the band:

Pretty Hate Machine
With Teeth
The Downward Spiral

The Fragile is the album I probably listen to the most. Both CD's are dark and fucking awesome. If you liked The Fragile you might like the remix album he did of it called, Things falling apart.

gee I dont know I just listened to all three of those songs wondering when the music was going to start. When it finally did... I guess... it was some "riff" I played for a minute when I was 13 and never returned to again... but goo dang if they didnt really make a 5+ minute song out of it... so theres 15 minutes of my life I'll never get back.

Cool. Atleast you gave it a try.