Nine years ago today a genius was taken away

J. Golden

Heaven and Hell Records
Oct 12, 2009
Nine years ago today at the age of 34 Chuck Schuldiner passed away. The man was an innovatory and genius taken way before his time.
Today let's put on our Death albums and Scream bloody gore for Chuck.


Will crank some Death CD's this evening in Chuck's honor.

I had the pleasure to meet Mr. Schuldiner on a few occasions and I can not say enough how easy going, laid back, and genuine he was. He was taken from us way too early. I eagerly await the finished 2nd Control Denied CD due sometime in 2011.
I remember discovering Death when their last disc came out. I went back as far as Symbolic before I realized that I had the original Death releases, Scream Bloody Gore & Leprosy, which I did not like. Tim Aymar came along and I had a new favorite band, then Chuck got sick and went bye bye

RIP Chuck, spinning a few in your memory
I stopped following DEATH after Leprosy.
(Nothing against the band, I had personally gotten out of metal for most of the 90s).

Yeah, I remember hearing SCREAM BLOODY GORE for the first time.
Kind of like hearing Bathory or Mercyful Fate for the first time.
You knew new ground was being broken, for sure.

I am not terribly familiar with most of Death's catalog, as I never have been, nor am I today, a big death metal guy.

Though, based on their first 2 alone, I know how important Chuck and Death are to the genre as a whole, and I certainly appreciate him.

Here is my fav DEATH tune:
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I was quite late to discovering Death.

It was years ago at an Epica show of all places that I first heard Death.

They played a cover of "Crystal Mountain" and that was the highlight of the show (besides Simone).

After that, I fell in love with Symbolic then Sound of Perseverance and I swear those were the only albums I listened to for months on end.

I picked up Human and mean to get the rest of their albums eventually.

I can see how the old stuff is a little harder to stomach compared to the last two albums, especially for the prog listeners lol.

Crystal Mountain remains my favorite Death songs and one of my favorite all time songs ever too :

RIP Chuck...
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That cover is seriously one of the worst covers I have ever heard. To this day I can't even believe Epica covered it.