Ninja Cat

I asked my cat to do his best grinch pose on Christmas day:

Cats are so much more interesting than dogs.

Yeah, but a whole lot less affectionate IMO - whenever they come over to rub against me or be petted, I always feel like their attitude is "Please me bitch," whereas dogs are just like "I love you, and I'm loyal and happy to just hang with you." Especially mine! :)
Yeah, but a whole lot less affectionate IMO - whenever they come over to rub against me or be petted, I always feel like their attitude is "Please me bitch," whereas dogs are just like "I love you, and I'm loyal and happy to just hang with you." Especially mine! :)

Holy shit if that isn't the truth. It's very rare to find a cat that actually cares about their owner, or other humans for that matter. Dogs are happy and loyal if all you do is look at them every once in a while. :lol: And labs are so fun sometimes. They learn commands very easily and love to play fetch and swim naturally. Great dogs.

Yeah, but a whole lot less affectionate IMO - whenever they come over to rub against me or be petted, I always feel like their attitude is "Please me bitch," whereas dogs are just like "I love you, and I'm loyal and happy to just hang with you." Especially mine! :)

While in general this is probably true (as cats are way more independent), my old cat was as affectionate and loyal as I could ever hope for, especially when he grew old.

We got him when I was two years old, and he died five years ago right after his 18th birthday. He was very focused on me and would even come to me when I called him outside in the garden... not because I trained him to, but because he was clearly happy to see me.
In his last years he also demanded to sleep at my feet. :lol:

Yet he still kept that typical independent character cats are known for, so it felt kinda special that despite a cat's independent nature he would still be so affectionate.

Dogs are cool too, though. :D
That's awesome man, I'm sure cats have all sorts of different personalities, so I can totally believe it - sorry he's gone! :(
I have a corn snake that is like 3 or 4 years old now. I've actually been thinking about getting a pet hedgehog but I'm afraid I don't have time so maybe some day.

Yeah, but a whole lot less affectionate IMO - whenever they come over to rub against me or be petted, I always feel like their attitude is "Please me bitch," whereas dogs are just like "I love you, and I'm loyal and happy to just hang with you." Especially mine! :)

You never owned cats, did you? :Smug:
Dogs are just more upfront with their feelings most of the time whereas cats are more subtle.