Ninja Magic - Ninja Nation

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Whoa, I just checked out your band, I must say Speed of ninja is pure brilliance. Once you go black could be the B-Sided single, I think you could top the charts. Speed of ninja should be yer main single, so catchy and badass.

Honestly man, some of the freshest new music I've heard in a LONG time.

hooooooooooooo ... llllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ... shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittttttttttt DUDES THIS IS AMAZING!!!!! PLEASE tell me there's gonna be some more touring and recording soon. I cant get enough of the songs on the site! Speed of Ninja is so catchy, its gonna be stuck in my head all week. i really like the other names, too. keep it up guys :cool:
dude.....thank god this link has been re-posted. I remember my first experience with ninja magic over at v01c35948u2907523(my drummer) house. *mystical music and fade to memory scene*

*amazing music in background*

me:hey whats that its incredible
him: magic
me: :OMG:
him: dude we should just give up on music.......forever.....we will never match up to NINJA MAGIC!!!!!!(insert yngwie kick here)
me: you know what i quit the band....guitar....and im moving to montana so no one will see my misery......later man

*back to present*

Yeah i still haven't gotten over it, basicaly ninja magic>all else
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