nj metal fest

Webbastard will be making a drunken appearance at the NJ Fest to all my freaks out there the Webbastard is your hook up ... holla... if ya hear me...

But no really, I'm going to be at the show so if any of you freaks see me make sure to say hi, and lets have a beer !!!!!!
Well i dont know wut u look like webbastard but i'll be wit jon aaron n maybe he knows who u r, but i'll definately do a shot wit ya.....hailz thiz
My wife and I started a band "The Skid Marks". We got a few shows this weekend to do. Luckily we'll be in Jersey on the 13th to catch Metalfest. We got a triple header, CT Friday, Jersey Saturday, NH saturday night, Sunday is a day off. We're cornering the market on couples bands. The White Stripes won't know what hit them. Brixx, we'll catch up with you guys at The Metal Fest.

Peter Built
Na Yawlbe Parrteein Inn Jersee An Chit,sup Yawl Diidn Ay "nwp Sup Yo Wnna Hang" An Chit? Sup Wit Dat? Yawl Noe Hooda Reeawl Metal Homie Bee An Chit,yo I Down Wif Da Smakun Blunz Layin Da Pipe Wif Da Witegurlz An Chit (hahah) Werd!!!!!!!!!!

Mo Metal Den Yo Crakpie........

Yoda Webbastard,

Sup Yawl? Yo Chawl Bene Duin? Yo Kepein Id Reawl Owtz In Da Ct Posselan? Haha Yea Yo Chek Idz,da Witegurle I Wuz Stayun Wif Powd Da Plug Own Ma Pc,yo I Beebak Yawl,yo Yawl Steele Downe Wifda Web Homiez?
