NJMHF Pics and review

Here is my full review of the show

Here is the photo gallary

Children Of Bodom


Between The Buried and Me:


The Red Chord


Strapping Young Lad


There's a taste, 2200 pictures total, check it out.
Mmmm eyeliner and black nails, ooooh he looks more like a preteen goth girl to me. The only thing missing is black lipstick. His music sucks more than a toothless gloryhole whore anyways.
We had three kids taking pictures.

Hey, no complaints about the poll, we got in a large fight over who would be on and who would not be and my favorite album isn't even listed!

Yeah we got Nevermore, I was just being lazy and didn't feel like posting a pic of them. Plus, I didn't take those ones, which is why they aren't as good as the ones you can look at easily here haha..
"Hey, no complaints about the poll"

No complaints about the poll, are you kidding? Have you REALLY looked at it, I mean REALLY looked? Hard? It's not just that a lot of the choices *cough* suck *cough* but also that there are only 12 choices. We're talking about a year here, not a month.