NJMHF Pics and review

Here is my full review of the show

Here is the photo gallary

Children Of Bodom


Between The Buried and Me:


The Red Chord


Strapping Young Lad


There's a taste, 2200 pictures total, check it out.
NocturnalSun said:
what kind of guitar is that on Alexi? he's using an ESP, but it looks exactly like a Jackson Randy Rhoads model. And I FUCKIN LOOOOOVE those inlays on the fretboard. Looks like they're scythes ;)

\m/ ^_^ \m/ badass

It's an ESP RR ;) Alexi used to have three Jackson RRs, but some cunt stole two of them and Jackson couldn't make him new ones in time (it would have taken a year or sumthin) so he "went ESP". He has one Jackson and two ESPs now, as far as I know. And yes, the scythe inlays are nice ;)