No Boss GT-8 users round here ?


Apr 25, 2007
Kyiv, Ukraine
This really cought me by surprise !!! I used the search for "GT-8" and there was no single thread in search reasults. How come ? Has everyone here became so inadvertantly PODified ?:mad:

I believe I've had some moderate (modest) succes with high gain crunching tone using my GT-8 (for recording via SPDIF) and was looking for a brah amoung you guys to share/gain experience in dialing good tones. Please let me know if you are out there :rock:

I'd also kindly ask you to refrain from any explatives toward GT-8 if you don't / didn't like it - as I am easily influenced by the pro opinions here on this forum and would hate to become disappointed in my lovely GT-8:)


Hey - and now after I posted it the search spits out zero threads found - how come ?
Hey Kev, thanks a lot for the quick response. I'd like to pry a bit more if you don't mind :goggly:

Could you please elaborate a bit regarding the superiority of POD (over GT-8) in terms of recording ? (I am asking without any "bring it on" type of shit) I am really interested in finding out more about it as I had rushed a couple of times to get PODxt for myself but didn't get around to getting it finally - just kept digging the GT-8 and reading up on some forums on how to dial good tones on it. I can post some clips here later on .....

all the best,
I've got one. It's my main effects board, I use it for verbs and delays and stuff. I think it's horrible for recording direct to be honest, and I don't use any of the amp simulations ever. But i've come up with some REALLY cool effects combinations using it.
I posted the same question a couple of weeks ago (see link in Radd's reply).

The general opinion on the GT-8 (at least on this forum) is that it's a great effect unit but not as good as the POD when it comes to recording. I'm still considering to get a GT-8 though, because I need a solid board for gigs.

If you have some sound samples of the GT-8 I'd really love to have a listen to them.
Hey Kev, thanks a lot for the quick response. I'd like to pry a bit more if you don't mind :goggly:

Could you please elaborate a bit regarding the superiority of POD (over GT-8) in terms of recording ? (I am asking without any "bring it on" type of shit) I am really interested in finding out more about it as I had rushed a couple of times to get PODxt for myself but didn't get around to getting it finally - just kept digging the GT-8 and reading up on some forums on how to dial good tones on it. I can post some clips here later on .....

all the best,

No probs mate! I've only had it a month now. I found that the pods "AIR" system which it uses for the cabs great. I think you could probably get some very nice results using the gt6/8 direct with impulses though- i dig the pod direct with impulses too. I didnt experiment too much with gt6 cabs as for some reason i didnt dig the sound right from square one.
As i bought the rack unit of the pod, (and also the live floor board just in case i decide to take it out into the beer jungle) it sits on my desk, and also connects directly through the pc to the Internet so i can try out peoples patches when they are kind enough to send them.

With the gt6/8 you have to change a lot of parameters in order to get the sound you desire normally. With the pod, besides being able to 'magically' dial in a good tone in seconds, it has a Graphical User Interface which you can control with your mouse to get great results at speed as opposed to my old days of hunch back knob twiddling on the GT. Whilst i understand fully how to edit with the works (unlike a lot of annoying guitarists ive come accross :p), i now find it a bit annoying to use in comparison hehe :cool: .
Thanks Kev. Good reasons. I sure have already gained some experience dailing tones on GT-8 but it does sound like PODxt is worth trying out. I can always sell it if I don't find it to be that much better than PODxt. I think for GT-8/6 users having an xt is enough since you can use GT's MIDI to switch patches and actually try blending some sounds using GT's loop or in other ways too.

I'd still love to try to have some healthy (!!!) competition between GT-8 and PODxt for recording so I'll sure post some clips soon. As I am quite new on this form could you advise as to the best place to post them (where you don't have to register/log in or sort of - just post).

Thanks a lot again pal. Good luck.

Hey Vit, no probs, glad to try and help with some reasoning, as a lot of people might just try to bash something off straight away , and thats damn annoying :). I decided to get both in the end, the pod isnt really that expensive at the end of the day compared to a lot of the crazy priced real units out there :D

I;d like to hear some competition too! Get on it i say :P A good place for upload right now is the sneap forum FTP. Check this thread out for details all courtesy of our lovely Gav-

Take care

Thanks Kev for great advice and help. I've uploaded the clip. Here's the link. theme by Vit - boss gt-8.mp3

Its 2 guitars panned 85% left and right and a drum track - no bass, no vocals. I think heavy thrashy guitar sound needs to be assessed in a mix, not by itself that's why I am offering a mix with drums (sorry - no bass yet).

I need to update my profile so that it's obvious what equipment I am using so I'll mention about that below.

Ibanez RG1570 with SD Invader in Bridge (a passive but hot :lol: ), recorded from GT-8's SPDIF digital out into Cubase SX via Audiophille 2496, no FX in Cubase exept C4 and L2 on the output bus (settings are identical to those on the "Sonor of Metal" supplied with DFH Superior. Drums are MIDI programmed by a friend of mine (who also happens to be the drummer in the band :)) and then I've played a bit with EQ and compression for the drums.

OK guys - now my head's on the butcher's table - please cut it off gently :waah: :notworthy
I think it sounds great over all Vit. The only thing I would recommend maybe is to try and get rid of that good old amp modeling fizz. Supposedly a low pass filter will do that. Don't ask me about it though. Maybe others will be able to help you out there. Or do a search. Unless of course you're all ready aware of it.
Radd, Kev !!! Thank you for your feedback. It is very helpful and encouraging I must say.:)

I'll see what can be done about the fizz you mention next time I go tweaking my GT-8 :) As I am listening to the track quite often I note to myself that the fizz doesn't quite jump at me (i.e. it's not that obvious to me) and it seems to blend with the high frequencies I like to have in my heavy sound. It might be inherent in the amp models that I am using on the GT-8 and not go away when low passed. I'll give it a try anyway. It seems the drums also have more high end than the professional records I use for reference and I could try to low-pass the overall mix at mixdown or mastering stage.

I am wondering what POD sound I could compare the one I got on this clip to see how much worse mine is and whether the difference would justify getting PODxt. What I am surpirsed by is that its cost is not the greatest concern for me (regardless that here in Kyiv (Ukraine) it's US$350 for the bean - some $50over what it costs in US) - mostly it is the time that I think it'll have to take me to get the hang of PODxt and its tweaking pecularities. I am sure there are quite many. (Although I am using GT-Manager for GT-8 to edit patches on my PC same as I can do with PODxt it is still going to take much time - and I am so pissed at myself that I spend so much of it tweaking instead of playing and composing:()

And there is one more thing I keep thinking about - GT-8 has a feature allowing to blend two amps - or use identical amp settings and use different mike models at different positions and blend the output of the two. I heard some POD owners prefer to use 2 PODxt units for the same thing - which I can try in the single gt-8 unit. You'd probably be right by saying that POD has better guitar amp modelling technology and that PODxt models sound closer to the original amps so using a better qualiy amp model with one mike is better than using an inferior one with 2 mikes. To be or not to be ..... :)

I recently started to try and tweak system preamp and speaker sim option on the GT-8 and it seems promising so far. So I'll probably refrain from getting PODxt at the moment until I fully explore and learn the possibilities offered by GT-8. I actually quite liked the quality of PODxt's effects and don't quite understand why many prefer GT-6/8 for effects. Tastes differ :)

Do you have any thoughts on how we could try to get some constructive competition going between PODxt and GT-8 - we'd probably need rules to start - like posting exactly the same clips in certain genres - same riffs in the same tempo. Would it be possible to host them in some user friendly inteface - like say someone wants to rival GT-8 or PODxt and posts a clip inviting a competing unit to post a "response" :)

Thank you guys again for helping me with my decision-making maze. Rock on :rock: