Radd, Kev !!! Thank you for your feedback. It is very helpful and encouraging I must say.
I'll see what can be done about the fizz you mention next time I go tweaking my GT-8

As I am listening to the track quite often I note to myself that the fizz doesn't quite jump at me (i.e. it's not that obvious to me) and it seems to blend with the high frequencies I like to have in my heavy sound. It might be inherent in the amp models that I am using on the GT-8 and not go away when low passed. I'll give it a try anyway. It seems the drums also have more high end than the professional records I use for reference and I could try to low-pass the overall mix at mixdown or mastering stage.
I am wondering what POD sound I could compare the one I got on this clip to see how much worse mine is and whether the difference would justify getting PODxt. What I am surpirsed by is that its cost is not the greatest concern for me (regardless that here in Kyiv (Ukraine) it's US$350 for the bean - some $50over what it costs in US) - mostly it is the time that I think it'll have to take me to get the hang of PODxt and its tweaking pecularities. I am sure there are quite many. (Although I am using GT-Manager for GT-8 to edit patches on my PC same as I can do with PODxt it is still going to take much time - and I am so pissed at myself that I spend so much of it tweaking instead of playing and composing

And there is one more thing I keep thinking about - GT-8 has a feature allowing to blend two amps - or use identical amp settings and use different mike models at different positions and blend the output of the two. I heard some POD owners prefer to use 2 PODxt units for the same thing - which I can try in the single gt-8 unit. You'd probably be right by saying that POD has better guitar amp modelling technology and that PODxt models sound closer to the original amps so using a better qualiy amp model with one mike is better than using an inferior one with 2 mikes. To be or not to be .....
I recently started to try and tweak system preamp and speaker sim option on the GT-8 and it seems promising so far. So I'll probably refrain from getting PODxt at the moment until I fully explore and learn the possibilities offered by GT-8. I actually quite liked the quality of PODxt's effects and don't quite understand why many prefer GT-6/8 for effects. Tastes differ
Do you have any thoughts on how we could try to get some constructive competition going between PODxt and GT-8 - we'd probably need rules to start - like posting exactly the same clips in certain genres - same riffs in the same tempo. Would it be possible to host them in some user friendly inteface - like say someone wants to rival GT-8 or PODxt and posts a clip inviting a competing unit to post a "response"
Thank you guys again for helping me with my decision-making maze. Rock on