no matter what


Nov 29, 2009
my cymbals sound shitty!! ive used some great cymbals too. like the overhead sound is good like my toms and snare but the cymbals sound very lofi no matter what. maybe its my my room but idk? i know some kid who has some little m audio usb interface and 2 chepo radio shack mics and gets better cymbal sounds than i do. help?
For god sake, why can no-one looking for help actually give us the information we need? Going "my cymbalz sound sux dood!" does not give us ANY of the information we might possibly need to help you out.

What cymbals are you using?
What mic's are you using?
What's your mic placement like?
What's your room like?

Post pics and clips man! Then people can actually help you instead of trying to guess what is wrong from you whining.
ahh ya sorry guys

ok so i use a pair of f15s and ive used z and a customs and its still yuk

al so the room is 12x24 wierd i know and its about 10 feet tall

uhh room mics is a pair of nt1a's
1. Treat the ceiling above the kit so it's not directly reflecting sound from the drums straight back at the mics. These reflections can cause phase cancellation and mess with your cymbal sound. Also, keep the kit as far from any untreated walls as you can.
2. Lose the Z customs - they are horrible recording cymbals. A customs are fine, as are K customs, Sabian AAX, and other equivalent cymbals. Also, keep in mind that any cracks in a cymbal can ruin the way it sounds.
3. Make sure the drummer isn't hitting the cymbals too hard. It's better to go for power and consistency on the drums themselves and a bit of finesse and balance on the cymbals.
4. Try using HPF/LPF on the cymbals to tame any excess lows or highs in the cymbal sounds. Do this as a last resort.
hahahahha greyskull, thats the most amazing post ever to be posted on the internet. Do everything bluelightcory said and you should have no problems