No Mention In Metal Hammer!




Having recieved my latest edition of MetalHammer Hagazine I was slightly dissapointed that there is no mention of Bloodstock, despite ads in Kerrang and Terrorize.

A couple of the bands appearing at Bloodstock are however mentioned in its glossy, if not inspiring, pages.

1. Occupational Hazzard (page 42) Teenage Bands

"Popular unsigned electronic nu-metal renegades, with and average age of 8 3/4"

2. Freebase (page 93)Gig review: Thirteenth Note Cafe, Glasgow

"Work Hard, play hard is the motto Freebase operate under." The write up goes on to state how, despite a small crowd and a crappy PA system, Freebase delivered a headbangingly Brutal performance which is equalled by their studio recordings... Keep up the good work lads!

3. Underule (Page 113) Check Em Out!

Just a listette of who, what and why Underule are one of this years "Ones to watch"

The rest of the mag is full of all the usual suspects, Pantera, Amen, Slipknot and a 12 page pull out review of Rock in Rio...

I was however pleased to see one of the OLD SCHOOL getting some well deserved coverage. There are a couple of pages dedicated to Halford, The Metal God! And about time too. :D

Just thought I'd share this with the group!

