The Year 2003 In Metal (Highs & Lows)

MentaLee said:
Definately one of, if not THE highlight of my year was watching the amazing performance of Cold Heritage by Cristina Scabbia (Lacuna Coil, should you not know) at the Astoria on Saturday night.....and I mean performance. This was not just a rendition of an album track, oh no, this was truly magical!! She brought the song to could literally feel every word she sang, and as she sang it looked almost like she was acting the verses out for us, bringing a whole new dimension into it.
Really? I thought "Heaven's a lie" and "When a dead man walks" were the highlights of the evening. A bit disappointed not to get any of the older material (e.g., "Cold" or "To myself I turned"), and it was a pretty short set, but a good night out nonetheless. Probably the best I've seen them since their gig at the Borderline in 2000. I was impressed with Poison Black, too, although Passenger and Moonspell were both pretty grim.
chazzyf said:
- Totalrock having problems, losing its best DJs and going off sky :waah:
Have they? I hadn't noticed. I used to listen to them every day religiously, until they stopped broadcasting in a format that I could hear (they switched from Real Audio to Windows Media). But they also moved Charlie Andrews from 3 hours every afternoon to a slot in the early hours of the morning, and now he's apparently gone altogether. Ho hum... If I could still listen to them, I might be bothered. But if they want to alienate their audience, I guess that's their problem.
Tet said:
Have they? I hadn't noticed. I used to listen to them every day religiously, until they stopped broadcasting in a format that I could hear (they switched from Real Audio to Windows Media).
That was an improvement as far as I was concerned :)

But they also moved Charlie Andrews from 3 hours every afternoon to a slot in the early hours of the morning, and now he's apparently gone altogether. Ho hum... If I could still listen to them, I might be bothered. But if they want to alienate their audience, I guess that's their problem.
I don't think that they wanted to alienate their audience, its just that a general lack of funds has meant that they have been unable to continue to provide the same excellent level of service. If you have a spare couple of million, you could perhaps help get them back on track :)

In the meantime I wholeheartedly recommend the excellent shows by Lizard (Friday 9PM to Midnight) and Zed (Friday Midnight to 3AM Saturday) and malcolm Dome on a Saturday evening is usually pretty good too.
Tet said:
Really? I thought "Heaven's a lie" and "When a dead man walks" were the highlights of the evening. A bit disappointed not to get any of the older material (e.g., "Cold" or "To myself I turned"), and it was a pretty short set, but a good night out nonetheless. Probably the best I've seen them since their gig at the Borderline in 2000. I was impressed with Poison Black, too, although Passenger and Moonspell were both pretty grim.
Yep, must admit I was disappointed by the lack of material from their first two releases, but hey twas still a damn good setlist. I guess highlights are very subjectional, but whilst both songs you mentioned were mighty fine, as Cold Heritage is my fave song of theirs anyway, it gets my vote!! Whilst I love the metal aspect of LC, I seem to prefer the stuff like Cold Heritage, The Ghost Woman and the Hunter, Falling (Again) etc (nothing against Andrea though!!!) Also, don't you reckon the only reason Heaven's a Lie went down so well as it's the one song everyone knew........I know I clocked a few blank faces when they played Halflife and the Unleashed Memories stuff!!
Tet said:
Bah! You're making me feel inadequate now. Counting up, I made 108 individual performances at 38 gigs this year. I missed three support bands over the year, which would have made it up to 111. Must try harder next year :-)
That's extreemly creditable that you've only missed 3 bands out of 38 gigs - Amazing! :worship:

I reckon I've seen 121 live performances from 104 different bands at 51 rock gigs and 1 jazz gig. I would have seen a lot more if I'd always arrived on time. :Smug: Scored 5 guest passes ... though I had to write reviews for 3 of them ... and they were gigs that I wouldn't have gone to otherwise.

The only bands that I saw more than once were the following:

Paradise Lost (6) - the buggers kept turning up wherever I went :)
Nightwish (4)
Symphony X (3)
Biomechanical (2)
Budgie (2)
John Young Band (2)
Lithium (2)
Pain of Salvation (2)
Porcupine Tree (2)
Saxon (2)
Tapping The Vein (2)
The Last Embrace (2)

Some of the bands I missed this year, cos I arrived late included Thunderstone, Tapping The Vein (who I saw play 2 other times), Poisonblack, Falconer, Mercury Rain (@ Camden), Powerquest (@Bloodstock) plus lots of the bands lower down the bill at Bloodstock and another festival I saw in France.

The last 3 years I've seen around 30 gigs each. That's a nice number. Seeing over 50 feels like a step up and perhaps a step too far.
MentaLee said:
Also, don't you reckon the only reason Heaven's a Lie went down so well as it's the one song everyone knew........I know I clocked a few blank faces when they played Halflife and the Unleashed Memories stuff!!
I suspect there may be an element of that, although from where I was stood (pretty much at the barrier, directly in front of Andrea), everyone seemed to know the Unleashed Memories material as well. It certainly helps that "Heaven's a lie" is not only their current single, but also probably the strongest track from Comalies.

Here are a couple of photos from the gig, courtesy of my mate Alex:


chazzyf said:
Some of the bands I missed this year, cos I arrived late included Thunderstone, Tapping The Vein (who I saw play 2 other times), Poisonblack, Falconer


The last 3 years I've seen around 30 gigs each. That's a nice number. Seeing over 50 feels like a step up and perhaps a step too far.
You really shouldn't have missed Falconer. Hailing the band with Eagle, Dragonmaiden and Lydian Lady was one of the highlights of the year, and they completely blew Dream Evil away. Definitely a band to see again next time they come around (like Bloodstock, f'rinstance :-) Poison Black were also worth seeing. Not outstanding, but OK. I've been hovering around the 35-40 gig mark for the last few years. Seems to be a comfortable number. Not too many, and not too few. The bands I saw multiple times this year were:

2 x Nightwish
2 x Viking Skull
2 x Power Quest
2 x Mercury Rain
2 x Scary Bitches
2 x Saxon

3 x Robin Black And The Intergalactic Rock Stars
3 x Blaze

Going To Wacken and Graspop
Seeing Maiden 4 Times this year
Havinga superb time on an xmas night out with a load of people from our forum zine

Erm..other highs :ill:


Getting stranded in germany and london after wacken
Financial Crisis this year
Getting me heart broken AGAIN!!!! :mad:
Missing too many gigs

And if i can think of anything else ill add more....:loco:
Tet said:
You really shouldn't have missed Falconer. Hailing the band with Eagle, Dragonmaiden and Lydian Lady was one of the highlights of the year, and they completely blew Dream Evil away. Definitely a band to see again next time they come around (like Bloodstock, f'rinstance :-)

I also think Falconer would be an ideal band for Bloodstock. I was actually talking to them about bloodstock before being ejected from the underworld by security. So I never got to finish my conversation.
Highs-The recording of our new album, Wacken, Bloodstock, my first wedding anniversary (my wife says :p ) Lows- Matt packing in Iced Earth and err ...that's all i can think of for now:grin:
hmmm highs -

getting engaged to my scarey shouty bird
touring with BLAZE
touring with Biomechanical and Infobia ( and therefore discovering Absinth!!)
playing BS
being asked to headline BS 04

getting an evil chest infection from the germ ridden tour bus with Bio and Fobia , the leafy bug killed us all!
download festival ( it just isnt donnington anymore!)
my closest uncle going mad
metallica-st anger( should have known)
getting another year fuckin older...