No Mercy festivals


Dec 12, 2001
Luzern, Switzerland
has anyone here been to the No Mercy festivals? if yes, how was it? I was in Pratteln last Wednesday, it was really great! I missed the first two bands, Obscenity and Destroyer 666 because of a traffic jam. but Malevolent Creation, Catastrophic and Disbelief were all really good! the best were Vader in my opinion, they had a very clear sound, and man what a drummer!!! Hypocrisy and the headliner Immortal were great too. Hypocrisy played 3 songs from their new album, Immortal played songs like One By One, Sons Of Northern Darkness, Beyond The Dark Waves, Withstand The Fall Of Time, Blashyrk Mighty Ravendark just to name a few ;)
I went to the show in Wels.... it was an aweful experience. The sound sucked, only two bands (out of the ones I saw/heard) were good and the crowd was horrendous. I ended up leaving before it was over.
Hmm.... perhaps I should stop coming here! I've wanted to go to the no mercy festival and see Vader for years! Its just not possible in Canada! I hate that. I'm gonna piis off their tour manager! Maybe that'll do it!
Originally posted by De Profundis
Hmm.... perhaps I should stop coming here! I've wanted to go to the no mercy festival and see Vader for years! Its just not possible in Canada! I hate that. I'm gonna piis off their tour manager! Maybe that'll do it!

too bad for you! Vader were so great live. hope that you'll see them once