no more megaupload


Jun 17, 2011
megaupload has been shut down for good for all of us with anthrax bootlegs on this hosting site its not good news:OMG:
This one was rather funny:

"R.I.P Megaupload Let us have 72 minutes of silence, followed by a 30 minute waiting period before we can continue our mourning."
stomp it is sad in a way but it cant stop it,i do see a future where a fee is installed to have acces to music thru internt provider,i just have a hatred for record comanies ripping bands and people off for all these years,cassettes were 20 to 30 bucks 20 years ago and they are still the same price today for cds,its sad for the artist but what can u do.
Sure I understand all of that completely, record companies completely fucked us all over and missed the boat in regards to the digital era. It costs so much money to fund albums, wages for producers, engineers, crew, promotion, tour crews, frieghting gear, crew, bands around the world, it has to be made back somehow, these days it's almost exclusively from touring, but if albums don't sell, then less people show up to the gigs (even with people downloading) band in debt, end of band. Itunes and providers like it are the way to go. Put a tracable code on it so it can't but uploaded more than once. Produce enough coded CDs. Some Albums for the collectors and that's it. We need to get away from this sense on entitlement just because it's digital. I'm all for bootlegs, that can only promote an artist.
Sure I understand all of that completely, record companies completely fucked us all over and missed the boat in regards to the digital era. It costs so much money to fund albums, wages for producers, engineers, crew, promotion, tour crews, frieghting gear, crew, bands around the world, it has to be made back somehow, these days it's almost exclusively from touring, but if albums don't sell, then less people show up to the gigs (even with people downloading) band in debt, end of band. Itunes and providers like it are the way to go. Put a tracable code on it so it can't but uploaded more than once. Produce enough coded CDs. Some Albums for the collectors and that's it. We need to get away from this sense on entitlement just because it's digital. I'm all for bootlegs, that can only promote an artist.

How far do you think it is the bands having the same expectations as 20 or 30 years ago? One of my favourite bands is The Minutemen, who self-consciously used a 'we jam econo' approach, which meant not living a rock star life.
How far do you think it is the bands having the same expectations as 20 or 30 years ago? One of my favourite bands is The Minutemen, who self-consciously used a 'we jam econo' approach, which meant not living a rock star life.

Of course the expectations are different now and bands are smarter about recording and touring costs. They have been forced into this and record companies and illegal downloading are to blame. No excuse for stealing though, just sayin'!.............I don't think Anthrax ever lived the "Rock Star" life style. Anyway, a bands expectations should have zero to do with it in a perfect world, which we don't live in.