No Pit?


May 19, 2003
San Francisco
Last testament show (also my first testament show) was at the house of blues w/ rob halford. I squirmed and elbowed my way through the crowd to get to the front where i could get a good view of Eric's guitar skills. After a cool, and ominous intro, they went right into DNR (I believe DNR was first that night, not 100% sure. It was fast though.) . As I head the first notes, I suddenly realized I was standing in the center of what was about to become the pit. Im only about 5'8 160#, and unknowingly finding yourself in a large circle with 250# dudes swinging their arms at your head can be slightly intimidating, especially without having made the consicious decision to enter it. I braced myself for the inevitable beating, but a few seconds later I was still standing, with all my parts still intact. I looked around, and not only was there no pit, everyone was sort of just.... standing there. I figured most of the people there were either old school testament fans waiting for a Legacy song, or just there to see Halford. Not the case evidently.

My question is this. Are there normally pits at testament shows, and this was the exception because it was at HOB and everyone was crammed onto the small ass floor infront of the stage?
Atropos said:
My question is this. Are there normally pits at testament shows, and this was the exception because it was at HOB and everyone was crammed onto the small ass floor infront of the stage?

Testament Pits vary from different countries, to different Cities, they vary in size, shape, & form, as well as being more Violent or less violent. Even the local Club rules can change the crowds reaction to pit, some places its not allowed & people will get thrown out. So your answer is I've seen alot of different pits, over the years, your Testament Pit, depends on location, crowd reaction, local venue rules, security issues, space restrictions, even tradition, these all come into play...................