No Sleep Til Bedtime question


Milano Mosher
Sep 5, 2001
MegadetH ArizonA
Hi everybody! I recently ordered NSTB online, and am looking to get City soon too as well when I get some more cash, but I was wondering if No Sleep Til Bedtime entirely live, or if there's some studio tracks on that CD?
and cant wait to see SYL 1/21/03
there are two studio tracks on there, never before released. I like one of them, the other is good though. That album is fucking amazing. My favorite out of all three releases. Enjoy!
oh yeah, I forgot to mention that one... No I don't know if it was previously released, and as far as I know it wasn't. I heard someone say that they were pretty sure that they just did that song on the spot, but I'm not too sure. There's parts that definintely sound already planned out.
To the best of my knowledge, Far Beyond Metal is a true song that Dev wrote, but he just never recorded a studio version of it. I could be wrong though.
No, I'm willing to bet your right on that. If you check out his lyrics section for that song, I think (can't remember) they aren't listed because "he forgot what he said", or something like that.