No Visible Cheese

What are your thoughts on No Visible Scars?

  • I love it, the best album ever ever ever!

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • I played it once, but didn't think much

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • Worth a listen every now and then

    Votes: 5 33.3%
  • My name is (insert name) and I worship Area 54

    Votes: 6 40.0%
  • I don't listen to anything else

    Votes: 1 6.7%
  • I don't have ears

    Votes: 2 13.3%

  • Total voters

Son of Metalman

No Visible Cheesegraters
May 26, 2001
I thought it was about time I bought the album for myself, and I followed the link from the official site to the Amazon page, and I decided to read people's reviews (as I don't know much about the band or the music:D ) and guess what - 8 out of 8 reviews gave the album 5 stars. I am impressed! I don't know if anyone from here wrote a review, but if they were all strangers then its excellent people think highly of Area 54. I had just written a really long post and then Ultimatemetal said I wasn't logged in and cleared everything I wrote and i'm having trouble remembering what i was rambling on about! Basically I think its time to have a poll about the album, although i can probably guess the outcome already! No Visible Scars is the best album I have ever listened to full stop. There is nothing that compares to it, and I have a father who has over 12 trillion million CDs and vinyls of the best Metal over the past 30 odd years. I've never listened to a single album so many times, it never seems to get boring. I'm so very very glad that they were supporting Blaze at milton keynes, that first time I heard them, they were better than any other support band I've heard ever. Since then I've been to about 6 or so gigs and every time I have been amazed. Not only do they play as good live as they sound on the album, they are the friendliest band I have ever met - equal with Blaze. It's not very often your idols sign a birthday card for you but they did! I have been listening to the 2track demo of living a lie and personal gain quite a lot recently, and they have been growing on me (not literally). They have temporarily filled my need for the second album, along with the amazing "song with lack of name but awesome solo" when they play it live. I think everybody who doesn't own this album should buy it as soon as possible, they are the most refreshing sound to hit the metal genre since i don't know when. I'm forcing people to come and see the band when they play Hitchin because they need to hear how good they are. At the moment they seem to think this weird boy keeps going on about a strange unheard-of band all the time, but I've managed to convert my best friend which is a bonus. Fortunately I have my father to thank for converting me to PROPER metal before I became a garage and rap fan. Unfortunately I have to put up with these people every day at school, it is very satisfying to drown out their voices with the best music in the world.

To conclude, should I buy this album? I heard it was pretty average and don't know if i should waste my money.[/sarcasm]

On a completely different note, I got an A for my art final piece, so hopefully I'll get an overall B. I worked out that I have been educated over the last 12 years for a measly 27 hours of exams, 10 of which I have already done. Shocking Really.
i better watch out - u have taken a leaf out of my way with words! lol

Thats cool
and exactly what i think.
as for amazon - ( erm yep ill own up to one of them! lol)

Well done for ur exam in art - Nicely done mate! see i told u itd be cool!!!!???

I think ull be having a lovely party in august to celebrate all ur good grades!!!!!

! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

PS- my name is madgirl ... and ... i worshipd 54!!!!!
I'm going to be a bit different here to Tony & MG.

NVS is a very good record, but it's not the best album ever, nor are 54 the best band ever (or at the moment). But the band are still a new band and have great potential. Ask me this question next year and the answer might be different (ask me after I've seen them live and it might be different).

But one thing I will say is that NVS is well worth getting hold of.
Nice one Dave.......

to be honest - im ultimately biased as hell. but as far as im concerned no band will ever come close (but then ive seen them a bit more than most and am well experienced in what they can do MUSICALLY - before anyone starts a vicious rumour! )

But they definately have room to improve ofcourse- hey theyre young - itd be a bit hopeless if they werent going to improve really, and thats also why i like them cuz if they blow my mind now- then the futures got to be bright lol
im also a bit scared too - cuz i mean - if im so obsessed now- what the hell am i going to be like when they are a few albums down the road - actually - i think i know - considering the fact i literally couldnt breath with excitement when they launched into the new and improved solo of the untitled track! YAYAYA


And fair enough that there are other albums that you prefer - the band themselves would admit that an unsatisfactory job was carried out on the debut ( not by them, i hasten to add). but the important thing is that there are people such as u who are able to recognise that there is a future there

*ME hugs DD with excitement* hope u can make a gig on the next tour mate.


ok going to calm down now... if i can
Ahhh, this is all cool :)

Ill admit they are currently my no.1 band, and cant see that changing in the near future! but then, ive heard there stuff for a good year now, and seen them live more than any other band & travelled further, too. I wouldnt do it just for the hell of it :lol: I genuinely belive in them. Like some of ya say, youve really gotta hear them live, as thats what makes a band tick, IMO.