Nogod - Visual Kei neoclassical

Fire breath

Feb 20, 2002
Wow these guys sound good! Ok some people will never GET this type of thing but the Japanese love it so good luck to them, plus the musicianship is through the roof. Even if you hate the music the video is nice and visual to look at and you don't feel bored by it as it's very vibrant.

Couple of things to note. The singer sings into a mic bound into an old historical book or something like the one the girl in the video opens to read. See, attention to detail guys lol! Secondly the bass player is one hilarious dude. He dances like a little 3 year old girl! he's absolutely mindblowingly camp!

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I think if we brought these guys to PP I would PP my pants. Apart from not being able to understand anything they just said and that I would be afraid to get too close to that lead singer, the music is pretty great.
This is actually not bad at all. Great chorus, melodies, vocals, musicianship... I wish I could understand the lyrics, but it's still not taking away the enjoyment.

Nice find!
I think if we brought these guys to PP I would PP my pants. Apart from not being able to understand anything they just said and that I would be afraid to get too close to that lead singer, the music is pretty great.

This, or a Galneryus reunion with Yama-B. :)
This is actually not bad at all. Great chorus, melodies, vocals, musicianship... I wish I could understand the lyrics, but it's still not taking away the enjoyment.

Nice find!

I became a huge fan of X-Japan in the mid-80s, way before there was much of a public internet for people to post translations.. I still don't know what most of the words mean, but I can sing along phonetically to most of their songs. :)