noise gates


Jul 25, 2006

I'm trying to improve my current pod tone by using an OD808 in front of my pod. The sound is a lot fatter and balsier now, less fizzy/trebly than it was. However I was wondering whether it would be a good idea (tonewise) to also use an external noise gate (instead of the XT's onboard one) and if so which one can best be used? The reason why I ask is that some more noises:erk: and it would seem better to exterminate the noise before going into the tubescreamer. Does anyone have any experience with this and or recommendations?
Ive been using the Rocktron Hush pedal for yeahs and really like it. Its not a problem having it after the preamp section if set up properly.

There are loads of gates out there at the moment that will all do a decent job
The NS-2 is great if your guitar and pedals aren't crazy noisy. On my XXX setup, I have to run it with the threshold at max to get it to shut everything up. If you have the money, go for the ISP....
I like the NS-2 because you can put your boost pedal in the loop which is gated too. Why not use one of the stompboxes in the POD for boost? I like the Boost+EQ you get with the FX model pack. I use that and the Powerball amp model from the Metal shop pack and have gotten some realy good sounds.
Sure you can get some good sound with the onboard boosts, but after trying it with a real one it just sounds fatter to my ear. Thanks for all the suggestions, I think I'm going to look out for a second hand Decimator :Smokin:
I have an NS-2, it works decently, but it doesn't seem to get all the noise out before it starts getting rid of your tone.

From the clips on ISPs website, the decimator sounds like the way to go. I might pick one up myself... 5150s are noisy :(