Noise problems


Jan 14, 2008
I've got some problem.
First of all sorry for my bad english!
So: I've got an engl e530 preamp into my terratec dmx 6 fire soundcard
The line is: Samick skull and snakes with dimarzio megadrive->engl e530-> into my pc.The engl is in a T splitter so theres no ground loop now.
I've got a crt monitor, but i turn it off while recording.So i've big noise.
I've tried my engl and my guitar on a concert and i heard no noise.
I've tried guitar->engl-> headphone out, and in my home, it has strange noise too.
So there must be some electromagnetic stuff, like a transformator house near my place.So i want something to do with that noise.I was in a guitar shop and they told me that they have the same problem couse its a transformator house in 50 m near the shop.What can i do?Anybody have any ideas?I think there must be an electromagnetic noise shielding solution.
Thanks for help
You must find this..."transformator house"...and blow it up.
There is no other way.
If they put a new one there, blow that up as well. Eventually they will get the message.
More seriously:
Moving stuff around in the room sometimes helps. You may find a "dead spot" where the noise isn't picked up.
Check if the amp is getting noise without the guitar plugged in, and try the guitar plugged straight into your soundcard, to see if the noise is coming from the pickups or the amp.
Maybe you could record a few seconds of the noise, and put up an mp3 - some of the guys here might find it easier to say the cause if they hear what it sounds like.
Problems like that are a f***ing bitch to fix sometimes, so I hope you have good luck!