Non-Growl Extremities

DarkNoise said:
1.) I'm well aware nohting in that lineup is really "extreme", but the whole point is to lead her into extreme stuff.

2.) I don't want a penis toucher, this is my wife's sister we're talking about (And I'm gonna try and get my wife into it at the same time)

3.) Karaoke Carcass style fuckin' pwns!

4.) I HAVE to put some hevy devy on there.

Awesome. You're cool. :wave: and I'm not being sarcastic. I think The Devin Townsend band is PERFECT for what you're tryign to do. Ocean Machine! and I'd throw on the songs Christeen, or Colonial Boy.
Nevermore - River Dragon
Iced Earth - I Died For You Or Watching Over Me
Anthrax - Harms Way
Cathedral - Autumn Twilight ( Dont know enough to really comment)
Dragonforce - Valley Of The Damned
Dream Theater - any of their heavier songs ( ehhh not a DT fan)
Hammerfall - Hearts On Fire
In Flames - Dead Alone or Cloud Connected ( my gf liked Cloud Connected)
Iron Maiden - Infinite Dreams( so she can go HEY did they rip off papa roach??)
Megadeth - Knew a cheerleader that liked Sweating Bullets
Metallica - Motorbreath Or Fade To BLack
Morgana Lefay - Choose Sleepwalker off of SOS
Nightwish - Over The Hills or Bless The Child
Passenger - I Die Slowly ( Perfect)
Porcupine Tree - Strip the Soul( not familiar enough)
Probot - good collection of stuff here maybe ( Big Sky with Tom Warrior)
Testament - Return To Serenity
Tool - Cold And Ugly ( ehhh sorry I hate these guys)
Sentenced - Excuse me while I kill myself
Soundgarden - Rusty Cage is better
Warmen - not sure
Fozzy - Their cover of Over The Mountain
Devin Townsend - Bad devil ( know more SYL than Devon T.) DETOX MOTHERFUCKERS

hidden track SERPENTS OF THE LIGHT Deicide
Wolftribe said:
98.98769% of power metal takes it up the pooper
Coming from a guy who's probably heard mabye three or four mainstream power metal bands and in ignorance gives the whole genre thumbs down. You win.