Non metal tastes as of late anyone?

i'm sorry, NAD, but i enjoy being anal towards you. for some reason or another. but this is the last time. i promise. please forgive me. :p

(note: it has come to my attention that the "sold!" quote thingy a day or so ago could have been interpreted as me being an asshole. it was not my intent, merely to point out that we at RC buy a lot of stuff)

that having been said, i'm listening to the butthole surfers right now, so feel free to disregard anything i might say that annoys you.
NAD said:
Goblin eh...? I think I read a bit about them some time ago, sounds intriguing.
NAD - you've already had a slight taste of Goblin. Remember when you reviewed the The End sampler, "Phases"? There is a Sculptured track called "Suspiria". It's a Goblin cover.

Unsumed is also a huge Goblin fan, and mentioned in our horror thread #873376 that he tries to bring forth those influences in his music for Wolverine. :cool:
Ahhhh... yes that Sculptured track was very good, I didn't even realize it was a cover tune until I saw you editor's remark several months later. :grin:

Speaking of Sculptured, a CD of theirs showed up about a month ago and it's still sealed. :erk:

@ BWD: You didn't offend me man, don't worry. If you ever do I'll make sure to let you know. :Spin:
I've been rediscovering Eric Clapton somewhat lately. Been really digging Derek & The Dominoes (the Layla album is stunning) and rediscovering Cream somewhat. Gave Blind Faith and his first solo album a spin last week. Finished reading a biography of him a few days ago, and really should go back to learning his songs on guitar. I have started learning some but finished none!
I've always been into rock, low-fi/indie stuff. It never really leaves me. I also enjoy the -core genres.

As of late The Casket Lottery has been grabbing a few spins.
And I've been rediscovering my love for The Afghan Whigs as well. "Gentlemen" has been rocking my speakers in the car as of late and I recently bought Dulli's side band's CD, The Twilight Singers - "Blackberry Belle". Further thoughts on that later.
In preparation for the new Dargaard (yes I know The End has it, but I hate "limited Edition digipacks") I've been listening to my Dargaard and Die Verbannten Kinder Evas CDs.