Noob question regarding safety of electronics under water


Nov 4, 2008
OK, this is going to sound very stupid, but I don´t know anything about electronics and I will look much more stupid if I don´t ask and things go wrong.

Is it dangerous to use a non-waterproof headphone under water? I mean, can I get shocked, explode the MP3 player device, fry my brains or whatever?

I have this waterproof ipod case where I put my ipod and there´s an input on the bottom to plug the headphone. The problem is that the waterproof headphone that comes with the case doesn´t have any device to lock into my ears (it is just like a regular headphone that comes with iPod), so it keeps falling as I swim and it´s pretty annoying. The other waterproof headphones on the market are all bad or too expensive.

After some look on the waterproof headphone that came with the case I thought it look very similar to a normal headphone, so I decided to test if a normal headphone still would work in a glass full of water. It worked. Even after leaving the headphone dipped all night into water.

So, the conclusion is that regular headphones do work under water even after long periods, but is it safe to use them that way? As I´ve said, I have no knowledge on electronics, but the common sense says that water + electronics devices are not a good idea, and I would like some input from people who know this stuff before put my brain to the test on the pool.


Here are the components of a headphone, for what it is worth.
Taken from here:
Waterproof iPod Case = Broken iPod

There is no such thing as waterproof, Water resistant fine that I will believe, but as for proof as in water NEVER getting in there doesnt exist.

Personally I dont believe electronics should EVER be near any kind of liquid. Accidents happen.
Waterproof iPod Case = Broken iPod

There is no such thing as waterproof, Water resistant fine that I will believe, but as for proof as in water NEVER getting in there doesnt exist.

This is truth. No such thing as waterproof, only "more water resistant" than water resistant itself.
If you too scurrrrred to try the non waterproof headphones, which would probably fall off anyways, you should just tape the waterproof ones to your ears.
Are you fucking with us?

I´m dead serious.

Waterproof iPod Case = Broken iPod

The case works fine. Actually, it is a plastic bag. I´ve been using it for a year now without any problems. It´s this one, bought on


The only problem is the stupid phone design. Earbuds doesn´t hold on my ears while I swim.

If you too scurrrrred to try the non waterproof headphones, which would probably fall off anyways, you should just tape the waterproof ones to your ears.

I´m looking on buying a "non-water resistant" with that round bracket thing that fixates on the ear, like this:

I've been into electronics engineer school, so I know a bit of it.

You risk almost nothing with your earplug. Assuming the iPod won't take water, the only thing in contact with water can be the earphone. If ever water inflitrates, it will maybe kill the diaphragm, and that's all.

You risk nothing in water, it's just a tremendous mass. The only way to get shocked into water is to have a serious big current pass in it, have not too much water, and be close to the input/output of a line of current, or be part of the mass where the current would go and "diluate".

If your iPod takes water, it can just die, and that's all. You cannot die from a battery which delivers current in mA. If it was risky, no one would sell "waterproof" solutions like the one you are using.
I've been into electronics engineer school, so I know a bit of it.

You risk almost nothing with your earplug. Assuming the iPod won't take water, the only thing in contact with water can be the earphone. If ever water inflitrates, it will maybe kill the diaphragm, and that's all.

You risk nothing in water, it's just a tremendous mass. The only way to get shocked into water is to have a serious big current pass in it, have not too much water, and be close to the input/output of a line of current, or be part of the mass where the current would go and "diluate".

If your iPod takes water, it can just die, and that's all. You cannot die from a battery which delivers current in mA. If it was risky, no one would sell "waterproof" solutions like the one you are using.

Hmn, that´s good news :)
I was worried that using a "non water-resistant" headphone could somehow get the energy from iPod´s battery through the wires and shock my brains (IN STEREO :lol:) or damage the iPod.

Today I even redid the test. Submerged the ipod (on the bag thing) and the "non water-resistant headphone" on a pan full of water. Played "Ride The Lightning" on the ipod and kept twiddling the headphones with my hands with a jackass face waiting to get shocked, but nothing happened. :notworthy

It seems to me that this whole "water resistant headphone" is a scam, and they´re no different than any regular headphone.

Thats one quality website right there

i just dont trust it

LOL you got a point, but as I´ve said, the bag thing do work. Let´s not forget Manley and Soldano websites! :lol:

ps: If I don´t post on this board after next week you can put my name for the Darwin Awards.
I guess water resistant earphones have an added protection. I don't think all earplugs would work under water.

No worries man, I even played by putting 2 times 12 volts with mA current on my tongue with friends in school :) There is no possibility to be shocked by a regular ipod/phone/whatever device.
Nah, underwater. It works, just have to raise the volume. The sound is far from perfect, of course, but anyway. Swimming is sooo boring. The MP3 player helps a lot : )

Wow, I have to admit, I find it extremely fucking cool that it works at all haha - props to you for even thinking to try it! (and I'm totally serious on that, I never would've)
There a fucking good joke to do to piss everybody off in a pool. Find an old cheap waterproof clock, set an alarm, leave it fall deep, and wait.

If its loud, almost everyone Will hear it, but no one will easily locate it since our brain is not used to treat underwater sounds :)
Well either way, if (when) the diaphragm gets wet and immersed, it won't be able to move nearly fast enough to produce anything approaching high freq.'s

and it will eventually rust, decay, and not work any more. Just like when water gets inside of the horn driver of a monitor wedge.