this is insane. how could they possibly hope to top the original, the greatest full lenth motion picture event ever produced? wall to wall non-stop animated mechinized carnage. optimus prime fucking DIES for chistsake. can you say MOST EPIC EVAR? what are they thinking? oh wait, i think i know what steven jewberg is thinking (i'll give you a hint: $$$$$). greedy fucking kike bastard.

oh and NAD, you're gonna hit vortex? the dude is a fuckin 7 foot tall goon. he'd crush your skull with one fuckin hand. he's an ogre!
I cried in the theatre when Prime died, and sometimes still shed a tear when I'm watching my badass DVD version of the flick. I didn't know Vortex was tall, I'd never fuck with the tall and lanky, they have Creepy Skinny Guy Strength. Think about it, would you fuck with Abe Lincoln? Shit no, you'd die.

anonymousnick2001 said:
I never liked Vortex much either. :p
Wanna make out?
One Inch Man said:
I cried in the theatre when Prime died, and sometimes still shed a tear when I'm watching my badass DVD version of the flick.
I was trying to find a screen cap of that to post in this thread to express the sorrow. Damn Spielberg >:(
Papa Josh said:
On topic, the first movie rules, but that soundtrack BLOWS stale ass wind.

One of the best film moments ever:
"Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost"
*doo-doodoo-doo* You got the touch! You got the poweeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *duggo-doh duggo-doh* YEAH! *jah jah jahjah-jah etc*

And when Hot Rod is duking it out with the Decepticons in the beginning to that Stan Bush keyboard solo. F'kin cool.

I think the idea of a live action Transformers is a kinda cool one, but I dunno how they'll pull it off. Nothing with ever beat the original film though. The franchise peaked there and then it went downhill...
I've got a mate who's got the soundtrack to that movie on his PC. He once played me the theme to the death of Optimus Prime, and described in detail what would be happening on the screen at each point in the track. Several weeks later, I watched the film again, and was stunned to realise his description was correct in every last detail.

That movie fucks with people's heads, man... I mean, I can quote every line of dialogue from Terminator II and point out the bit where the someone's blatantly flying the helicopter for T-1000 when he's reloading his machine gun late in the film, but seriously - Transformers fanboys are scary... hehehe
Ayeka said:

One of the best film moments ever:
"Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost"
*doo-doodoo-doo* You got the touch! You got the poweeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *duggo-doh duggo-doh* YEAH! *jah jah jahjah-jah etc*
Seriously. Yeah some of the songs have a little cheese on it but it was the 80's man, come on!


And the backing music for Cybertron, and when Hotrod and Kupp have to create the whirlwind to escape those INNOCENT. henchmen fucker guys, and this and that and this etc.

In summary: :kickass:
One Inch Man said:
And the backing music for Cybertron, and when Hotrod and Kupp have to create the whirlwind to escape those INNOCENT. henchmen fucker guys, and this and that and this etc.

In summary: :kickass:
Oh, no, that's on the planet Quintesson, when they're fighting the Sharkticons, eh? That song's quite cool, even though it's one of the weakest on the soundtrack. But the Quintessons are sick motherfuckers. Those rotating heads and tentacles just reek of Heavy Metal :heh:
Ayeka said:
One of the best film moments ever:
"Megatron must be stopped, no matter the cost"
*doo-doodoo-doo* You got the touch! You got the poweeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr *duggo-doh duggo-doh* YEAH! *jah jah jahjah-jah etc*
YESSSSSSSSSS. I can't tell you what an influence that had on my childhood years as just one of the coolest things I ever saw.

How about that Riot/Motley Crüe-type song when Hot Rod's fighting the giant octopus thing to save Kup? Fucken awesome.