normally i claim that it isn't happening....


Aug 2, 2002
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but unfortunately, i can't deny that i totally fucked up and my clothes do NOT match in any decent way today and i look like a total asshole.

brown pants with white seams (from gucci, BUT STILL UGLY)
red socks
light blue sneakers
olive green deep v-neck shirt with white trim
light pink zip up cardigan that is much shorter than the green shirt

i really hate these pants. why did i wear these!?!?
i really didn't notice. i just got dressed really fast and left without using the mirror because i was late for my shrink appointment! then he was like 'wow your outfit is quite expressive' hahaha.
what is this noma stuff ? it's making me paranoid.

i don't have a full length mirror :( i feel it's too vain to go get one and carry it home!also, honestly i'm not sure it'd make a difference. i'm just always so nervous and crazy in the morning.

today i'm wicked embarrassed about this and i may even walk to old navy to at least get some black socks.
yea i think he said it sarcastically. he usually curses, and he's really honest with me... i think he just knew that i was honestly upset about being so scattered in the brain lately and wanted to try to make light of it.
Originally posted by the_preppy
why tomorrow? why is everything so confusing today :(
also, avi, isn't 'expressive' a nice euphemism for 'fucked up'?

because there is usually a "thursday what are you wearing" thread, somewhere else...
Originally posted by VangelicSurgeon
There's a Boston Red Sox player named nomar, but the boston fans all call him NOOOOOOMAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH cause the accent here is so awesome.

ugh. that is so depressing.
if i was going to be confused at least it could be
for something interesting.
