North American headlining tour?

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
Sorry if this has been asked/posted. I looked through the last few pages and didn't see anything about it.

Any word on when Nevermore may come around, as a headliner in NA, and who who they might bring with them? Thanks.

I have heard from a lot of different sources that they plan on it in the spring. Warrel saying "Catch us on the enemies of reality tour"(something like that) is the most reliable.
Well, there is a woman with an LJ site in Vancouver that swears that they are doing a three date thing at the end of January with Opeth in the pacific NW. I've checked the venue site, the supposed store selling tickets and both band sites and I see nada on it.
Nevermore and Opeth??!?! OMG!!! that is like my DREAM LINE UP!!! damn you Northwest bastages...
well that is if it happens...
ive heard various things about it myself from various little birds but no one knows for sure and Warrel did hint to it a few times...So who knows...we'll all have to wait and see
I would love for Nevermore to come back to Toronto

And do some of off s/t and DNB
Lillitu said:
Well, there is a woman with an LJ site in Vancouver that swears that they are doing a three date thing at the end of January with Opeth in the pacific NW. I've checked the venue site, the supposed store selling tickets and both band sites and I see nada on it.

That would rock the cock - too bad i wouldn't be able to make my dream show because...


Maybe Nevermore and Opeth can come play at the prestigious venue of "My Backyard" - come on, my mom will make you all dinner, what d'ya say? huh? come on dammit!!! Oh well, I can see you would never come willingly...

*gets chloroform*...
NapalmForLunch said:
Maybe Opeth are doing another US tour and Nevermore are joining them in the NW shows like they did with Type O.

hmmm - Opeth with a U.S. tour ... damn you still for living in the pacific nw...
ive heard opeth for a headling tour (NE to) and ive heard rumors also mabye with corpse
i think that rumor can be dropped seing corpse is playing with hypocrisy vile and decapitation in march
mabye nevermore was asked and let hypocrisy take their spot? who knows
well if they come to the northern California region (SF, Sac, etc) ill be able to go..but not if its too far away..:( come on guys! come back to SF with Opeth! you know you want to...[/sad panda]