North Korea has nuclear weapons

There are some (Yanks) who are actually suggesting that a psyops mission should be developed where they do something to China, and make it look like NK did it. Apparently China would then sort NK out without the U.S. spending much.

I dont think they will do anything, they cant, they are stretched to breaking point as it is with Iraq, so I cant see how they could possibly attack or "liberate" any other country except maybe Iran and thats only because its next door to Iraq!
Well, North Korea is part of the Axis of Evil (with Iran and Iraq) so you would think they would be near the top of the list of countries to invade. But really, who polices the US? What's going to happen when the US annihilates all of the countries that are developing nuclear weapons, leaving America as the only country with them?

We're all doomed. :(

If Bush invades Iran... well, let's just say a certain substance is going to be hitting a certain rotating blade. It'll be 10 times as bad as Iraq.
I somehow don't see the United States annihilating France or Britain or Israel (to name a few) anytime soon so for the meantime there are plenty of nukes floating about for all....

I'm getting a little sick of US warmongering.
Sydo said:
Really Shan, where do you pull that sort of shit from?
talking to yanks on the internet

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] Let's **** -off North Korea, lead Kim Jong-Il to believe Iran was behind it, and they can take each other out.[/font]

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] A) Build an Israeli air base in South Korea.
B) Equip the Israeli's with long range bombers.

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif] I think North Korea would be the perfect place to build a Parking Lot for all of the South Korean & Japanese cars to be sold world wide[/font]

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]Nuke their isht with an ICBM.[/font]
(that one got past the censors)

[font=Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif]For the sake of my grand me the buttons..I'll press em' in a heartbeat.[/font]
Shannow, im not positive, but im pretty sure that people on messageboards dont actually run US foreign policy :)
Shannow said:
talking to yanks on the internet

So from the collective opinion of a few random internet geeks you quickly damn all Americans? blah blah.. The yanks want an Australian state. Little Johnny’s plane is bigger than mine. Costello is the devil. Have a fucking cry man. You're bitching is boring and predictable, much like a modern day Steve Harris epic.
And you can thank Smithy for that. :)

edit - actually Blitz, I don't like Paschendale that much myself anyway. But I'll smile and nod with you because if the anti-american rhetoric in this Nth Korean thread continues it seems as though I'll be offside with Shan, Spiff, Mark, Mrs Mark, Gore, Mrs Gore, Southy, Kem, a St Kilda supporter, a gender-defying rocker, that dude from Vanishing Point, a drunken gnome, and half the Dungeon BB members.. :Spin:
Sydo said:
So from the collective opinion of a few random internet geeks you quickly damn all Americans? blah blah.. The yanks want an Australian state. Little Johnny’s plane is bigger than mine. Costello is the devil. Have a fucking cry man. You're bitching is boring and predictable, much like a modern day Steve Harris epic.

they're right wing religious nuts whoi think GWB is God.

But you do have a valid point.
Sydo said:
it seems as though I'll be offside with Shan,

Nah, not at all.

You said your mind, how you saw it. I know I've been awefully pissed off for a long time over lots of things, and I can see how it's become predictable (and maybe even a little annoying:D).

(can't find the :cheers: smiley)

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