North: Rough mixes available!

care for any comments or criticisms?

knowing the folks around here, you're more likely to see the latter, but what the hell?
:eek: Ooooo, ouch :lol:

I thought they were cool....uh, wait, maybe that should be "fuck you, they sucked!" ;) :lol:

Seriously though, they are good. The first one kinda started out like an old Maiden song (which is good!). I like that black metal thingy that starts about 1:00 into it, that's the kinda riff that I could listen to forever :eek: :D :cool:

The second one, I liked better than the first, it was just flat out cool......uh, no, actually it sucked, you play like a retard, uhuh ;)
I really enjoyed this man . I think it's fuckin wicked .. too bad we didn't have that kind of production when we recorded...

I can hear a strong enslaved influence in the guitar playing which is a plus ...

Are there any vocals ?
I think some parts need it a bit .... I don't really know .. could be better off with out it ...

contact me when you get the album finnished and I'll send you a demo of my new band and you can send me North or something like that ...

We are supposed to start recording drum tracks over easter and we are gonna work on the guitars for the week after that .. vocals and bass for the week after that ...

should be fun ..
Thanks for checking us out guys!! If you want more, there are a few more rough samples here from other songs (some vocals in some of these).

I was in the studio all day yesterday remixing and adding more guitar tracks. On the 28th we should have everything finished up (mixing mastering, etc...) So the sound should imrove quite a lot from these, but they give you an idea of the style we play.
Hey man i liked your sound bites man. Where are you based out of. I would like to hear some more stuff when you get it all mixed man. Keep rocking.