White Lighter full record - Streaming


Steal Your Face
Feb 18, 2003
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Hi All,

Some of you were nice enough to listen and comment on my band's rough mixes awhile back. Our final mix got put off for a LONG while because of, well, life and a lot of stuff. If you are interested, here's the whole album, final mix, in the order the songs appear on the CD.

Old School!

Dig it!


If you listen, thanks!
Very retro, very good stuff. Haven't listened to all yet but so far I dig it.
I really appreciate you guys taking the time to listen. And Pounding, I always check for updates on Final Stage, watching your videos etc. I love watching other people's bands, especially those in a situation similar to my own. Your stuff always sounds pro and cool. I know how it feels to put so much blood, sweat, and fun into something. Thanks for taking the time!
First things first: I LOVE the production, particularly the snare sound. I’m bored to death with the ubiquitous, too clinical, soulless Sneap sound & wish he’d retire already (damn it, why did Accept hire him?!?!). Your sound is what I’d hope more bands would strive for. Alas, few will. (Imagine Opeth or Enslaved utilizing this ‘retro’ sound? It would be the icing on the cake for such bands.)

“Outside the Prison”: LOVE the slow part with awesome soloing in. Even greater is the “early 70s Iommi-esque” soloing towards the song’s end.
“Monolith”: Again, the soloing is fantastic. Better vox than on “Prison”.
“Mandrake”: most rocking of the tracks…..very 70s in sound & execution! Love the hyper ending!
“Another Day”: great intro, groovy – yet sinister – bass!

I’m sure you don’t want to hear comparisons, but I feel a Witchcraft / Astra mix…..which, IMO, is a fantastic hybrid! I love the sound, the songs are strong, and the overall “vibe” is really cool. To be honest, better vocals would propel this to a level of greatness, but you’re not far from that as is.
Thanks for weighing in SM. The truth is, we try to be very democratic within the band, but I know the vocals aren't that, um, stellar. I say, with all humility, that most tend to prefer the vocals on the songs I sing. I do think Patrick has a kind of MC5/Stooge thing going on though, so I can hang with that. I love those bands, and don't mind bringing a little of that early punk feel into it.
I really, really appreciate your opinions though, man. Our new stuff is heavier...we are recording again soon.
I’m bored to death with the ubiquitous, too clinical, soulless Sneap sound & wish he’d retire already (damn it, why did Accept hire him?!?!)

Umm, because they wanted their record to sound incredibly heavy and well balanced? I'm sorry but if you gave the new Accept White Lightning's production, people would be pass the album up immediately, and it would be nowhere as powerful. Its like saying why did Inception look professionally shot and not look like a student film? :Saint:
Umm, because they wanted their record to sound incredibly heavy and well balanced?

Or 'clinical' and without space, soul, breath, warmth, and feel? I know I'm in the minority, but I'd love to hear sounds akin to what's found on Wyz's record.

Love the band and can always overlook lame productions, but the Sneap sound wore out its welcome 6 or 7 years ago.
But Accept's choice to work with Sneap didn't fail as horribly as Opeth's "Deliverance" did. For the love of god, stay away from Opeth, Andy!!!