Hi! Im working on my bands EP now. I think I have made the first song as good as I can, but I want som opinions. Vocal is missing, we´re recording it in a few days. Its the "wasted days" song (more are comming), the others ones are some old stuff..
Kick is 100% black kick
Snare is 100% (+overhead bleed) black snare, fills are 100% natural
tams all natural
And dont mind the bad myspace site, we are updating it soon!
or http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=791602 for i little better quality
Kick is 100% black kick
Snare is 100% (+overhead bleed) black snare, fills are 100% natural
tams all natural
And dont mind the bad myspace site, we are updating it soon!

or http://www.soundclick.com/bands/default.cfm?bandID=791602 for i little better quality