Another Slate signature kit sample

Thanks! Yes its the PODxt Gearbox plugin for guitars and bass. All guitars have an Ibanez TS9 tubescreamer in front but I recently modded it to the 808 specs. Guitar used was my trusty Ibanez S with Duncan JBs.

I can definitely share the TD20 patch in a bit. Its also the same mapping as EZ drummer so you can sort of use the EZdrummer / EZplayer beats with the Slate kit with some tweaking after the fact of course.

Keith, I can definitely see how some would not be crazy about the snare. Its definitely got a pretty unique character. I really love the sound though and I think it sounds pretty natural which is what I was after.
Splat what have you changed since the wake darker skies patches in pod xt besides your pickups and the moded ts9? I feel your guitar sound has much more definition are you still using the same patches?
What do you think to running your complete live rig via laptop Matt, eq curve and all?

Everything would work fine except for Curve EQ. I can get down to 1ms latency with Gearbox and most plugins except Curve EQ. There's a very noticeable latency that makes playing quicker passages very difficult.
Splat what have you changed since the wake darker skies patches in pod xt besides your pickups and the moded ts9? I feel your guitar sound has much more definition are you still using the same patches?

The same exact patches were used on this latest sample and Wake Darker Skies. The differences are in the fact that I used a TS9 on ALL 4 tracks on this version as opposed to 2 with and 2 without on WDS and I am using an Ibanez S with JBs as opposed to my ESP with a Dimarzio Super Distortion. Lastly, I used a Waves Q10 on the 4 guitar group on this one with a slight boost at 3k and 5k and a cut at 100Hz to bring out the clarity. I think it sounds a lot clearer than the old songs.
Everything would work fine except for Curve EQ. I can get down to 1ms latency with Gearbox and most plugins except Curve EQ. There's a very noticeable latency that makes playing quicker passages very difficult.

Are you aware of the little trick you can do in revalver to copy the eq curve from voxengo, then monitor with no latency? Its brilliant as far as i can see and havent had any issues with monitoring yet! I figure you probbaly know that though, and may still be feeling an induced latency.
Are you tracking the TD-20 via MIDI or are you using its direct out channels to track individual instruments audio and then replace them with replacement plugins (drumagog, etc)?

The drummer played the drum part and then emailed me the midi file. All the drums you hear are Slate drums including hats, cymbals, etc.
Are you aware of the little trick you can do in revalver to copy the eq curve from voxengo, then monitor with no latency? Its brilliant as far as i can see and havent had any issues with monitoring yet! I figure you probbaly know that though, and may still be feeling an induced latency.

I've never tried this! I'll have to check it out.
Splat, can we expect some new vocal recordings on march hare songs any time soon? I'm freakin' dying here man!:headbang:

Absolutely. As a matter of fact, both singers (Jake and Matt J) just finished their own versions of Hilliard Essential (now called Lost at Sea). I have not posted them yet because the music needs to be redone and it was only a first take on the vocals.

Keep in mind that its NOT DONE and I mixed it quick and the effects automation is really shitty.

However, I really like what Matt has done on his version so I'll post it in a new thread.

The drummer played the drum part and then emailed me the midi file. All the drums you hear are Slate drums including hats, cymbals, etc.

Thanks for the reply! I have a TD-3 but I´m struggling to track the midi right on Nuendo. Sometimes it just stop recording and I have to restart the program :zombie: