Take a listen - Newest PODFarm test - Dual amp mode

Yeah Matt, stop fucking around with more mixes and sound settings, work and social life.. this is just so goddamn amazing sounding and pro sounding, take these settings and finish the album!! :)
Yeah Matt, stop fucking around with more mixes and sound settings, work and social life.. this is just so goddamn amazing sounding and pro sounding, take these settings and finish the album!! :)

Thanks Bob! I was reading your recent thread about being manic about stuff and that certainly does apply to me. I'll take it a step further and say that I really am self-loathing. Sometimes I'll work so long on a mix and then burn it to a cd, listen to it in my car, and just be incredibly disappointed to the point where I actually get depressed about mixing and want to give up. I'll A/B my mixes with professional mixes and even stuff done by dudes on this forum and I'll get really bummed out about the sound of my stuff.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I'll go back and listen to a mix I did from a few months ago and I'll be very happy with the result, but it seems like I can only enjoy my own material once I have taken a LONG break from it. In the past, my project session naming convention was really piss poor, so if there was a version of a song I mixed that I really liked from a few months ago, I can never seem to find the actual project file to open up and see exactly what I did. I'll have a huge folder of projects called, new song1, new song1.1, new song 1.2, etc. but I won't name the exported .wav file the same way. Its a maddening process.

There's no way I'm going to have the album done by May as I had hoped. I'm still manically screwing with settings and shit, and I'm about ready to lose my mind. My wife is expecting our second child (another boy) in May and things will probably be a bit crazy for a few months after that.

You're right though Bob, I just need to finish this damn thing and not focus too much on little things. I think hiring a good mastering engineer would be a very wise thing to do.
Thanks Bob! I was reading your recent thread about being manic about stuff and that certainly does apply to me. I'll take it a step further and say that I really am self-loathing. Sometimes I'll work so long on a mix and then burn it to a cd, listen to it in my car, and just be incredibly disappointed to the point where I actually get depressed about mixing and want to give up. I'll A/B my mixes with professional mixes and even stuff done by dudes on this forum and I'll get really bummed out about the sound of my stuff.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I'll go back and listen to a mix I did from a few months ago and I'll be very happy with the result, but it seems like I can only enjoy my own material once I have taken a LONG break from it. In the past, my project session naming convention was really piss poor, so if there was a version of a song I mixed that I really liked from a few months ago, I can never seem to find the actual project file to open up and see exactly what I did. I'll have a huge folder of projects called, new song1, new song1.1, new song 1.2, etc. but I won't name the exported .wav file the same way. Its a maddening process.

There's no way I'm going to have the album done by May as I had hoped. I'm still manically screwing with settings and shit, and I'm about ready to lose my mind. My wife is expecting our second child (another boy) in May and things will probably be a bit crazy for a few months after that.

You're right though Bob, I just need to finish this damn thing and not focus too much on little things. I think hiring a good mastering engineer would be a very wise thing to do.

Matt, if you don't mind my 2c.

Whilst I completely understand how you might feel atm, I can assure you that your own stuff is amazing! The music itself is so full of live and emotion, plus you managed to give it a sound that works with the music, so don't be so hard on yourself.

I mean self-criticism is very important IMHO but don't get lost within it. Keep in mind that productions are perceived in a very subjective way and it all depends on the whole package. Your stuff is far from being anything average man, trust me on this one. I'm sure many will agree with me here.

And about the long break for recurring enjoyment, I hear ya, same here but I'd say that's normal. I remember a lot of bigger guys (Tägtgren, Swanö etc) who state the same and just look at what they were able to achieve :)

Just don't give up and don't be too hard on yourself at the same time, find a balance and stay with it. I'm not saying it is easy or anything but you sound like you underestimate your own abilities, get some of your self-confidence back :D
This really is a very cool song!

You shouldn't be down on yourself - I wish I could make mixes sound this "finished"! :)
Thanks Bob! I was reading your recent thread about being manic about stuff and that certainly does apply to me. I'll take it a step further and say that I really am self-loathing. Sometimes I'll work so long on a mix and then burn it to a cd, listen to it in my car, and just be incredibly disappointed to the point where I actually get depressed about mixing and want to give up. I'll A/B my mixes with professional mixes and even stuff done by dudes on this forum and I'll get really bummed out about the sound of my stuff.

Sometimes, not all the time, but sometimes I'll go back and listen to a mix I did from a few months ago and I'll be very happy with the result, but it seems like I can only enjoy my own material once I have taken a LONG break from it. In the past, my project session naming convention was really piss poor, so if there was a version of a song I mixed that I really liked from a few months ago, I can never seem to find the actual project file to open up and see exactly what I did. I'll have a huge folder of projects called, new song1, new song1.1, new song 1.2, etc. but I won't name the exported .wav file the same way. Its a maddening process.

There's no way I'm going to have the album done by May as I had hoped. I'm still manically screwing with settings and shit, and I'm about ready to lose my mind. My wife is expecting our second child (another boy) in May and things will probably be a bit crazy for a few months after that.

You're right though Bob, I just need to finish this damn thing and not focus too much on little things. I think hiring a good mastering engineer would be a very wise thing to do.

Okay Matt, this is EXACTLY the same way i feel about my own music as well.. what you just described is just freaky, so close to how i feel as well.
lol, even the saving multiple project files under 1.1 till 1.10 and not being able to find it back again? haha.. spot on!

But really, if you just read the positive replies and the great feedback you have been getting with your music, it should be a no brainer that whatever you are doing, you are doing it the right way and this should not be overanalyzed... the music is there, the mix is there.. i would rate your mixes as one of the best, if not the best mixes on this forum, and it easily competes with the "real" deal out there, so if i were you i would stick to this mix and like you said, maybe have a mastering engineer have a go at it when you are finalizing the project... best of luck to you and your kids!
Thanks a lot Bob, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that experiences these things. I think I will take you advice and just focus on getting stuff done, instead of trying to perfect every little detail. Every time I try to perfect something, I seem to take a couple steps backwards instead. I just wish I was a better mastering engineer. I would be very curious to see how a proper master is done and how big of an impact it has on the final sound. Perhaps the part that bugs me about my my mixes is being caused by my mastering it myself.
Splat, ive A/B'd your stuff with commertial bands a few times now and I can say its on par with everything, really amazing how you get such a polished sound and of course along with such great song writing! I envy you, I really do! :)
Thanks a lot Bob, I'm glad that I'm not the only one that experiences these things. I think I will take you advice and just focus on getting stuff done, instead of trying to perfect every little detail. Every time I try to perfect something, I seem to take a couple steps backwards instead. I just wish I was a better mastering engineer. I would be very curious to see how a proper master is done and how big of an impact it has on the final sound. Perhaps the part that bugs me about my my mixes is being caused by my mastering it myself.

Well, you might even go as far as posting a unmastered song on this forum and see what people can make of it with mastering.. should be fun and it will answer your question if you are doing it right/wrong and if it does actually make a big difference.
Well, you might even go as far as posting a unmastered song on this forum and see what people can make of it with mastering.. should be fun and it will answer your question if you are doing it right/wrong and if it does actually make a big difference.

When I finish the next song I'm working on, I would certainly post an unmastered mix and letting people have a crack at it.
Splatt, when you say you are mixing all of the different sets together, how are you accomplishing that? (i.e. DFHS1 for cymbals, 2 for drums, Slate blending) Are you using some sort of replacement software, or is it as simple as just opening 1 vst for DFHS1 and another one for 2, and some Drumagog action? I'm an ass when it comes to drums and I feel I'm missing a basic step when it comes to my drum sound.
Hey man, such a delicious song in terms of mix and sound.

I am signed with a good label here in Turkey, but still, because of my f.cking habit of trying to make everything sound perfect while recording at home, the album is not finished yet. I really wish that I just recorded the songs just to remember them, and leave the rest to the engineers etc. I knew that they are all going to be recorded again in a studio that I can only set up by giving one of my testicals for medical experinments. So nowadays i am just trying to (its still so hard for me to stop tweaking, playing around with the mix) lay down the songs as simple as possible without losing any time with the mixes. So please, just compose and finish the thing =) And don't be so hard on yourself, you are almost at the highest point in mixing that you can achieve by only teaching yourself. Btw, awesome taste in music, and congrats on your second boy ;)
I woudl like to bump this and say; though it's not the original song in the OP, the song Sorrowfall in your SC player has been on repeat for an hour. And, your 'rough drafts' sound better than my finished mixes.

Hope all is well with you and your wife's pregnancy Matt (as you mentioned earlier in the thread) - PEACE and good luck when the 'lil bambino finally arrives!!!