Tone test..........again :lol:


Amiga Enthusiast
Oct 30, 2003
Nottingham, England.
Here we go, Short cover of Disintegration by Edge Of Sanity, 2 Tracks of Revalver MKII w/GuitarHack's Impulses, Lead Guitar is same, but with more mids and gain, Drums are DFHS with custom samples on kick and snare. Keyboard Lead is Korg Legacy, Bass is Hardcore Bass XP. I think I've nailed a pretty full and chunky tone here, lemme know what you think.

P.S I know The Lead tone isn't great, and my Lead playing sucks so much lol.
Nice tight bit of grit you have produced there young sir! I like! Keyboard and guitar playing skills are canny pet man! :kickass: Kepp em coming
Basically the Nikko Rock preset, with Guitarhacks Between Impulse, the main key is the post eq, dropping down 2khz and boosting 8khz.
aah ok, thats pretty much what I do, only I boost around 9k and scoop 750. I'll try your technique it sounds pretty damn good.
Ok, I'll give out screenshots and shit I guess.


The only thing you can't see is I used the Impulse called "GuitarHack Mesa Trad Quad Between.wav" and changed the output tube on the amp to a 6L6GC.