Not Anthrax related


Jul 12, 2005
Jersey Baby
This is an article about a doctor and two nurses who were arrested after a probe into rumors that they euthenized patients in New Orleans. The hospital (which if you watched the news at that time was on several times) was without electricity for 4 days before patients were rescued and this article says that the patients were in pain and miserable.

Now do I want my grandmother euthenisized without me being able to say goodbye to her? No, of course not. But I don't want her suffering in 100 degree weather either.

If this doctor and these nurses used their best medical judgment to make these calls, and did this for those that were suffering the most and probably wouldn't have made it, then I say leave them alone. Katrina was a disaster and something that people unfortunately weren't planned for. I say leave them alone and learn from this situation so that nothing like that happens again (of course this is all based on them doing it in the best interests of the patients and not because they were bored and decided to kill people, which I don't think was the case).