not exactly metal, but check this mix out

If it's not metal... what is it then... I my universe, this classifies as metal! And good production... sounds pretty cool. The vocal is not me... but still.
sounds great as allways, man!

and as always an question - what you have used on master?
cool, my thread is back from the dead!

fistula said:
sounds great as allways, man!

and as always an question - what you have used on master?

first i used the waves ssl channel strip, which is an awesome plugin

then i used firium matched to some underoath song as a starting point, if youve used firium to match eq you know you have to tweak it a little afterward and lower the scale otherwise it sounds weird

then i used the waves c4 to make sure no frequency ranges got too boomy, and finally a waves l3 for loudness

deathtotaliban said:
sounds to me like you are really lacking in the low end section, it soudns well balanced through the instruments but like otherwise there is no low end, advice: add some

really think so? it might need to go up a little but i thought it sounded well rounded listening in my car
sounds great but as mentioned MartysPooh really POP)
great job - but one thing - the voice is not so clear with music
i think its because of effects on it
mix sounds really nice...i agree it could use a tad more low end; i really need to check out some of the waves stuff for mastering
personally, i'm a fan of the music, the vocals aren't my favourite,... and i'm a big underoath fan.. :D

kick drum seems a bit flat and clicky to me and the overheads seem a bit loud in the mix.

The guitars also seem very scooped.
s34nsm411, check your PM box man... i send you something 3 weeks ago, i think.. haha..

Loving this mix as well, btw!
what did you use for guitars. amp, cab and mics?

everything for this song was done on a mesa dual rectifier, if you look at my soundclick the second song is all 5150 cause we didnt have access to the mesa anymore, i dont really know which one i like better

no cab/mics, all impulses i got from these boards :kickass: