Not so metal mix with metal gear


Sep 2, 2008
Miami, Fl
Hey guys, just wanted a quick opinion on a rough instrumental mix im working on. It' a bit more commercial than most of the stuff on here but i'm sure most of the sounds and gear will be familiar. The guitars are an ltd EC-1000 quad tracked through a 5150 with a maxon od808 and mesa 4x12. Bass is DI with the sansamp sim on it. Overheads and snare are natural, kick and toms are sample replaced. asg.mp3

Be gentle it's my first time posting a mix here haha.
Guitars sound a little muffled/dull. Needs some more treble ~4-6khz.

Overheads are really low in the mix. Raising them will brighten up the mix nicely.
The guitars do sound muffled and airy, roll of the high end, I personally roll all the way down to 8K on guitars with a low pass and then use a parametric to bring up the 4k-6k range. Be sure to let a little bit of the lower mids as low as 1K to smoothly be bumped up a little. Your guitar tone will sound strong. As to exactly where you are e'qing at within those frequencies, have fun with it, there is not secret answer and your mix with be different form mine or anybody else, so your eq will be different.

you can do that to the rest of your mix as well, roll off the upper highs and boost the upper mids and lower highs and you will get a more solid less airy sound. More up front and in your face and still retain all the highs. Basically removing all the cloudiness of the mix.

And I must say the songwriting of htat song is amazing, definitely a sound i like to hear when i am not listening to metal, very atmospheric.
Thanks dude I really appreciate that, I neglected to mention it was my band (came to have my mix torn apart not my ego haha) and we're trying out that new direction hoping theres a bit more money in it lol. So it's good to hear that it doesnt completely alienate people.

Couldn't get to the studio tonight but i'll be out there tomorrow afternoon so i'll give all these tips a shot and post up the results.

Thanks again.
Here's a quick updated version. I brightened up the guitars and tried to get rid of the cloudiness. I also added some verb to the drums which i had meant to do all along i just completely overlooked it when i bounced that last version so good call AudioPhile. I think its already sounding much nicer so thanks for the help guys. I would appreciate some comments on the changes and am more than open to any more suggestions.