Not thrilled-Opeth CDs

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Id still like to know his motives for buying the album for 9 quid, listening to it for ONE day, then selling it for 6.
yup... Still Life is a hard listen at first but if the guy isn't willing to give it some time then why did he buy it in the first place?
It can be easily overshadowed by other albums at first. Once you get to know it, it's a lot of fun. That's what I like most about it, the anticipation of what's coming next, and then feeling great when it's really good.
if it was MAYH and Still Life i definitely would've laughed, that would've been like "Not thrilled-Radiohead CDs: OK Computer, Kid A"

honestly though, I have no idea how liking Opeth and at the same time not liking Still Life happens, one of their widely accepted 2 best albums

but neway :eek:lol: imo :immrtoal:
Ummmmm, I also had some issues with the lyrical style and the different style of songwriting and overall mood of Still Life, but after a few listens you should be more able to appreciate this album. It is also a good idea to save the album for a time when you feel is right, and you can listen to it with a fresh pair of ears, maybe when you have memorized MAYH. That is all I can say. Cheers
If you like Opeth, which you may not, although the post count would suggest otherwise, then I'd give Still Life another listen. It really is an awesome CD, one which for me, is the epitomy of Opeth's sound.

I don't know about Damnation, never heard it all, but I like the tracks I've heard.
metal_wrath said:
Ummmmm, I also had some issues with the lyrical style and the different style of songwriting and overall mood of Still Life, but after a few listens you should be more able to appreciate this album. It is also a good idea to save the album for a time when you feel is right, and you can listen to it with a fresh pair of ears, maybe when you have memorized MAYH. That is all I can say. Cheers

mayh n still life lyrics are pretty much the same.
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