Not to rip off BCO but I think this board should have a mix tape/CD trade...


poser, not guitarist
Aug 19, 2002
Philadelphia, PA
Sound like a good idea to you? I don't know how the people on BCO determine who gets paired with who but if this minor logistical detail gets worked out, we'd have something potentially good on our hands.
I'm in for it--I was just in the last metal CD trade on BCO, and I think what was done was one person took everyone who replied "yes" before a certain time, paired them up, and set us loose.

Metal trade, whatever you want, or what?
I don't know... I'm more inclined to say anything goes.

Also, I don't mean for this to be the formal thread where everyone gets paired. I just wanted to get the idea out there...
Well, I don't wanna make a They Might Be Giants-heavy mix for someone who wants obscure tr00 metal! Maybe I'll swap out two or four tracks from my BCO metal mix and recycle the other half.
TMBG is more than good. :) OK, well, anyone who doesn't want to get paired with me, I'll probably make a nearly or completely metal-free CD, so let it be known when we get around to pairing up.
I'd give Zander nothing but songs from The Ark and yodelling country songs. Maybe with a little Napalm Death 'Peel Sessions' in between to link the tracks together.
