Nothing about Chris Benoit?


Obey my dog!
Apr 24, 2005
I'm surprised no one has mentioned this disgusting tragedy.

I can't imagine what would snap in someone's mind to harm their child. I saw footage of his son kissing his dad in the ring and it's heartbreaking.

I saw McMahon practically apologizing for doing the 3 hour tribute the night before...which is only right. He said he wouldn't be mentioned in the broadcast and they've removed his profile from the WWE website.

Best match I ever saw was Benoit vs. Guerrero...they actually wrestled and it was amazing.

I'll bet this will spark some deeper digging into the steroid usage.
my very brief marriage was to a bodybuilder with a steroid problem. the first thing i thought of when i heard this was that steroids were involved.

i'm well-versed in the effects of 'roid rage, unfortunately.
I read up on the amount of wrestlers who have died from steroid abuse, I was surprised. I didnt know the British Bulldog was dead! I never really followed the sport but growing up in the 80's it was hard to ignore Hulkamania and what not. Alot of body builder types I know use the stuff, and you can often see these sudden outbursts that are off the wall.

Ive been tempted to use them in the past but never have. I figured I could take them for a few weeks and just be completely ripped. I never wanted to get big, just to get back in my peak shape of my early 20's. But the possible long term side effects where too much for me to go through with it. One of my Marine friends took em for 2 weeks and the physical change he went through was amazing. I figured it cant be good for ya.

I wonder if the roid rage made him kill the kid? I think that after doing his wife in, he figured might as well off the kid, better off dead than foster care or something. Strange people.
I read up on the amount of wrestlers who have died from steroid abuse, I was surprised. I didnt know the British Bulldog was dead! I never really followed the sport but growing up in the 80's it was hard to ignore Hulkamania and what not. Alot of body builder types I know use the stuff, and you can often see these sudden outbursts that are off the wall.

Ive been tempted to use them in the past but never have. I figured I could take them for a few weeks and just be completely ripped. I never wanted to get big, just to get back in my peak shape of my early 20's. But the possible long term side effects where too much for me to go through with it. One of my Marine friends took em for 2 weeks and the physical change he went through was amazing. I figured it cant be good for ya.

I wonder if the roid rage made him kill the kid? I think that after doing his wife in, he figured might as well off the kid, better off dead than foster care or something. Strange people.

I have a friend who used with a prescription...reacted poorly and wound up with osteonecrosis which is a bone circulation he has to get his leg bones drilled...nasty stuff...I'll stay flabby, modeling career is over anyway...ha!
its well documented what the type of steriods used and abused by atheltes can do to your body mind and relationships with others.

its heartbreaking about the son and the wife having to have been stuck with such a terrible wrath.

but it will never change McMahon as far as roids go in the business. he'd lose too much money because of the recovery time of his atheletes and how they get paid etc.
Heres my take:

He's a piece of shit child killer, that according to the news was injecting his son, that was also retarded, with human growth hormone because he was "undersized" in his head.

Its bad enough to kill your wife but to also betray the one person on earth that looks to you for protection and comfort. Rot in hell bastard
Heres my take:

He's a piece of shit child killer, that according to the news was injecting his son, that was also retarded, with human growth hormone because he was "undersized" in his head.

Its bad enough to kill your wife but to also betray the one person on earth that looks to you for protection and comfort. Rot in hell bastard

I that all of this has come to light...he's shit.
There is a local radio show on Sunday's here in Rochester called The Pain Clinic. When he was on the show, he was incoherent, mumbling and not making sense when he spoke. The hosts of the show were noticeably nervous.
Not related but, wrestling related...When I was working security at a local bar when I was in college. Some of the WWF wrestlers came into the bar after a house show. I had the pleasure of watching Jake "The Snake" Roberts walk up to a garbage can next to the waitress station and start picking food out of it and eating it. He was a strange dude.
I had the pleasure of watching Jake "The Snake" Roberts walk up to a garbage can next to the waitress station and start picking food out of it and eating it. He was a strange dude.

Back in like 1988 (or was it 1990?), I had the pleasure of watching "Earthquake" put a whole burger in his mouth, chew only like three or four times, and swallow the thing! It was at a diner, and those are big burgers!

No wonder he looked like hell...

There is a local radio show on Sunday's here in Rochester called The Pain Clinic. When he was on the show, he was incoherent, mumbling and not making sense when he spoke. The hosts of the show were noticeably nervous.
Not related but, wrestling related...When I was working security at a local bar when I was in college. Some of the WWF wrestlers came into the bar after a house show. I had the pleasure of watching Jake "The Snake" Roberts walk up to a garbage can next to the waitress station and start picking food out of it and eating it. He was a strange dude.

I can't imagine there much more dangerous than an unstable pro wrestler.
Ive been tempted to use them in the past but never have. I figured I could take them for a few weeks and just be completely ripped. I never wanted to get big, just to get back in my peak shape of my early 20's. But the possible long term side effects where too much for me to go through with it. One of my Marine friends took em for 2 weeks and the physical change he went through was amazing. I figured it cant be good for ya.

Yeah, but don't you fizzle like a shook-up can of soda after getting off them?

One minute, yer beefed up like Ahhhhnald.

Next minute, yer tits are droopier than Maria Shriver's!

A friend of mine was a work-out freak, and took em to reach a "higher plateau" as he put it. As soon as he dropped em, he began working out like crazy to stay on that plateau. It didn't work. He dropped a lot of weight and a lot of muscle even though he increased his routines and upped the proteins.

Back in like 1988, I had the pleasure of watching "Earthquake" put a whole burger in his mouth, chew only like three or four times, and swallow the thing! It was at a diner, and those are big burgers!

No wonder he looked like hell...


Back when I was in the Air Force my squadron was selling burgers at the 4th of July picnic. The picnic featured a short wrestling show with Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, and a few others I can't remember. Valentine came up and ordered a burger, then pointed at one on the grill and said "I want that one." The buger had only gone on the grill 3o seconds before. It wasn't rare, it was raw!
I was tending bar at a hotel in the catskill mountains for awhile and they had wrestling there. I served Jimmy Snuka 14 shots of Absolute and he calls me down to the end of the bar, puts his arm around me and asked me if I knew where to get alot of cocaine. Not some. he said alot. Well at the time I knew all the best hook ups, so we went to a guys house and got him a ounce and we partied for like 2 days.

I saw King Kong Bundy do a huge line 8 inches long, and the whole time I was like "oh my god, Im doing coke with Jimmy Snuka and king Kong Bundy.... It was a blast.

As for Chris Benoit, I dont know what to say. Ive watched that guy on TV for years. I can believe he was on roids, I can believe he fought with his wife about his kid. I can even see him choking the bitch out. But putting a hold on his kid and strangling him....He must have been really fucked in the head to do that and I dont think it was the roids that did it. If he went into a rage and killed them both, I would believe it was roids, but he killed her one day, killed the kid the next day....and kills himself the day after, doesnt sound like roid rage to me, sounds like a very depressed, desperate thing to do.
I was tending bar at a hotel in the catskill mountains for awhile and they had wrestling there. I served Jimmy Snuka 14 shots of Absolute and he calls me down to the end of the bar, puts his arm around me and asked me if I knew where to get alot of cocaine. Not some. he said alot. Well at the time I knew all the best hook ups, so we went to a guys house and got him a ounce and we partied for like 2 days.

I saw King Kong Bundy do a huge line 8 inches long, and the whole time I was like "oh my god, Im doing coke with Jimmy Snuka and king Kong Bundy.... It was a blast.

As for Chris Benoit, I dont know what to say. Ive watched that guy on TV for years. I can believe he was on roids, I can believe he fought with his wife about his kid. I can even see him choking the bitch out. But putting a hold on his kid and strangling him....He must have been really fucked in the head to do that and I dont think it was the roids that did it. If he went into a rage and killed them both, I would believe it was roids, but he killed her one day, killed the kid the next day....and kills himself the day after, doesnt sound like roid rage to me, sounds like a very depressed, desperate thing to do.

Yeah...I'm sure roids didn't help the situation and prolonged use can create a multitude of problems, but obviously he found himself in a deep, dark, desperate place from which he couldn't escape. It just kills me that the child was a victim. As a father of 4 boys, it hits home. I took both my older boys to see Benoit wrestle. The whole thing is just a damn shame.
Back when I was in the Air Force my squadron was selling burgers at the 4th of July picnic. The picnic featured a short wrestling show with Greg "The Hammer" Valentine, Nikolai Volkoff, and a few others I can't remember. Valentine came up and ordered a burger, then pointed at one on the grill and said "I want that one." The buger had only gone on the grill 3o seconds before. It wasn't rare, it was raw!

Ok..what command where you in to have a wrestling show at your picnic? In AFSOC we got sand burgers and we had to sanitize our uniforms for any functions!
meanwhile, Lex Luger is penniless and living with a Baptist preacher in Georgia, who befriended him when the pastor visited the jail Luger was locked up in [parole violation], as part of his church's prison ministry.
he counts himself lucky to be alive, but at 49, his body is in such bad shape he can barely walk. he's put in for hip surgery with Social Security.
